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Rutger is a playable Hero in Gigantic. He is a melee-centered warden who uses shield to tank incoming damage while dishing out punishment to his enemies. He was announced with August 15, 2017 Patch and released with Into Solitude update.

 The Stone Warden
 A sworn protector of the land could not stay in retirement while nature was desecrated.
One full segment of in-game health bar represents 500 health points.
Absorbs 85% of all incoming DAMAGE until it's destroyed.
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by 1% to 1 point of armor.
Heroes with light armor have 15 points of FRONT ARMOR and 7 points of BACK ARMOR.
Heroes with heavy armor have 25 points of FRONT ARMOR and 18 points of BACK ARMOR.
Base speed value. Heroes can move faster by SPRINTING, JUMPING or DODGING, sometimes at the cost of STAMINA.
ARCHETYPE  / Control



Basic attack
Base DAMAGE value, per hit.
Against heroes with LIGHT ARMOR:
Front: ?
Back: ?
Against heroes with HEAVY ARMOR:
Front: ?
Back: ?

Base RANGE value. 2m
Rapid melee attack. If your SHIELD
Absorbs 85% of all incoming DAMAGE for the duration of the shield, or until the shield is destroyed (if it has a HP value).
is up, you regain 10 shield per hit.
Rapid melee attack. If your SHIELD
Absorbs 85% of all incoming DAMAGE for the duration of the shield, or until the shield is destroyed (if it has a HP value).
is up, you regain 10 shield per hit.
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Clawing for Shield
Digging Deeper
While shielded, hits grant more SHIELD
Absorbs 85% of all incoming DAMAGE for the duration of the shield, or until the shield is destroyed (if it has a HP value).
. (20 per hit)
Deals DAMAGE while ignoring target's ARMOR on certain percentage.
armor penetration
. (40%)
Granite Aura Rockslide Dodging is Critial Laceration
While shielded, hits grant +10 ARMOR
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by 1% to 1 point of armor. Each hero has a base amount of armor that can be increased temporarily through skills and upgrades. Armored heroes have 25 Armor, while other heroes have 15 Armor.
to you and allies near you.
While shielded, hits grant +15% SPEED BOOST
Increases the speed of hero by a percent determined by the skill applying it.
movement speed
. (3s)
Gives character a chance to completely avoid incoming attack and gain invulnerability for a brief moment (does not apply to damage from ground effects or debuffs).
One dodge always costs 25 points of STAMINA. When stamina bar reaches 0, hero still can dodge, but will lost chance to gain invulnerability.
Melee Heroes also gain a special attack by using their primary attack after dodging at the cost of additional stamina, but charging forward and deal damage.
Every Hero's crit chance defaults to 0.01%. Landing hits with primary attack will increase crit chance up to a maximum of 100%. Primary attacks are the only attacks that build and benefit from crit damage, though certain upgrades will allow some secondary skills to help build or modify your crit chance.
Failing to land hits with primary attack will cause crit chance to rapidly decay back to its default value.
and raise your crit chance to 100%.
JUMP+[LMB/RT]: Hitting in the BACK ATTACK
Doing DAMAGE to an enemy from behind will deal an additional 10% damage.
For melee heroes, a JUMP attack that hits an enemy in the back will deal even MORE DAMAGE and apply CRIPPLE to the target.
with your JUMP
Lets hero to get up platforms, over ledges, across gaps, and away from enemies.
OUT OF COMBAT jumping is free, but after entering COMBAT it begins to consume STAMINA by portions.
When stamina bar reaches 0, hero will perform short-hops instead of jumps.
Melee Heroes also gain a special attack by using their primary attack after jumping, which consumes additional stamina, but hitting an enemy IN THE BACK will apply CRIPPLE.
attacks inflicts BLEED
Deals armor-ignoring damage over time.
(30 dmg/s, 3s)
Right path
Digging Deeper
Deals DAMAGE while ignoring target's ARMOR on certain percentage.
armor penetration
. (40%)
Dodging is Critial Laceration
Gives character a chance to completely avoid incoming attack and gain invulnerability for a brief moment (does not apply to damage from ground effects or debuffs).
One dodge always costs 25 points of STAMINA. When stamina bar reaches 0, hero still can dodge, but will lost chance to gain invulnerability.
Melee Heroes also gain a special attack by using their primary attack after dodging at the cost of additional stamina, but charging forward and deal damage.
Every Hero's crit chance defaults to 0.01%. Landing hits with primary attack will increase crit chance up to a maximum of 100%. Primary attacks are the only attacks that build and benefit from crit damage, though certain upgrades will allow some secondary skills to help build or modify your crit chance.
Failing to land hits with primary attack will cause crit chance to rapidly decay back to its default value.
and raise your crit chance to 100%.
JUMP+[LMB/RT]: Hitting in the BACK ATTACK
Doing DAMAGE to an enemy from behind will deal an additional 10% damage.
For melee heroes, a JUMP attack that hits an enemy in the back will deal even MORE DAMAGE and apply CRIPPLE to the target.
with your JUMP
Lets hero to get up platforms, over ledges, across gaps, and away from enemies.
OUT OF COMBAT jumping is free, but after entering COMBAT it begins to consume STAMINA by portions.
When stamina bar reaches 0, hero will perform short-hops instead of jumps.
Melee Heroes also gain a special attack by using their primary attack after jumping, which consumes additional stamina, but hitting an enemy IN THE BACK will apply CRIPPLE.
attacks inflicts BLEED
Deals armor-ignoring damage over time.
(30 dmg/s, 3s)
Default ability COOLDOWN. 11s
Base DAMAGE value, per first two hits/third hit.
Against heroes with LIGHT ARMOR:
Front: ?
Back: ?
Against heroes with HEAVY ARMOR:
Front: ?
Back: ?

Base RANGE value. ?m
HOLD [RMB/LT]: Pound the ground in front of you three times. First two hits SLOW
Reduces movement speed by 20%.
MAJOR SLOW (30%) and MASSIVE SLOW (60%) are more powerful.
enemies. (-20% movement speed, 1s)
Final hit PUSH
Knocks enemies back. This does not stop them from using skills.
HOLD [RMB/LT]: Pound the ground in front of you three times. First two hits SLOW
Reduces movement speed by 20%.
MAJOR SLOW (30%) and MASSIVE SLOW (60%) are more powerful.
enemies. (-20% movement speed, 1s)
Final hit PUSH
Knocks enemies back. This does not stop them from using skills.
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Shaky Ground
Spike Damage
First two hits inflict SLOW
Reduces movement speed by 20%.
MAJOR SLOW (30%) and MASSIVE SLOW (60%) are more powerful.
major slow
. (-30% movement speed, 1s)
Final hit deals +200 DAMAGE BOOST
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
After Effects Great Barrier Rocked to the Core Pushing for Focus
First two hits also
Reduces outgoing damage by 25%.
MAJOR WEAKNESS (50%) and EXTREME WEAKNESS (75%) are more powerful.
enemies. (-25% damage, 5s)
With shield, first two hits restore 50
Absorbs 85% of all incoming DAMAGE for the duration of the shield, or until the shield is destroyed (if it has a HP value).
per enemies hit.
Final hit also inflicts CRACKED ARMOR
Reduces armor by 10 and damages enemies over time.
cracked armor
. (-10 armor, 3s)
Final hit PUSH
Knocks enemies back. This does not stop them from using skills.
enemies further and grants additional FOCUS
Special resource that is accumulated and stored throughout every match, and can be used to unleash a FOCUS ABILITY, or upgrade young creatures to powerful adults.
Focus requires to build up FOCUS CHARGES (maximum 3) before it can be used. They can be accumulated by dealing damage to enemies, healing allies, taking damage, and sometimes after being defeated and sent to the Airship.
Right path
Spike Damage
Final hit deals +200 DAMAGE BOOST
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
Rocked to the Core Pushing for Focus
Final hit also inflicts CRACKED ARMOR
Reduces armor by 10 and damages enemies over time.
cracked armor
. (-10 armor, 3s)
Final hit PUSH
Knocks enemies back. This does not stop them from using skills.
enemies further and grants additional FOCUS
Special resource that is accumulated and stored throughout every match, and can be used to unleash a FOCUS ABILITY, or upgrade young creatures to powerful adults.
Focus requires to build up FOCUS CHARGES (maximum 3) before it can be used. They can be accumulated by dealing damage to enemies, healing allies, taking damage, and sometimes after being defeated and sent to the Airship.
Q / LB
Default ability COOLDOWN. 16s
Dive into the ground; become INVULNERABILITY
Negates all incoming DAMAGE and prevents the application of debuffs.
and restore 150 SHIELD
Absorbs 85% of all incoming DAMAGE for the duration of the shield, or until the shield is destroyed (if it has a HP value).
. (2s)
TAP [Q/LB] AGAIN: Emerge from the ground early.
Dive into the ground; become INVULNERABILITY
Negates all incoming DAMAGE and prevents the application of debuffs.
and restore 150 SHIELD
Absorbs 85% of all incoming DAMAGE for the duration of the shield, or until the shield is destroyed (if it has a HP value).
. (2s)
TAP [Q/LB] AGAIN: Emerge from the ground early.
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Protective Plating
Seismic Activity
BURROW restores additional SHIELD
Absorbs 85% of all incoming DAMAGE for the duration of the shield, or until the shield is destroyed (if it has a HP value).
. (100 shield per second)
[Q/LB],[Q/LB]: Burrow to targeted location and attack in a radius. PUSH
Knocks enemies back. This does not stop them from using skills.
Increases cooldown by 5s
Salt of the Earth Burrowed Time Give Me The Slowdown Eruption
BURROW also restores STAMINA
Special resource which allows hero to sprint, dodge, jump, and utilize powerful dodge and sprint attacks.
By default all heroes have 100 points of stamina.
While SPRINT and JUMPS consume stamina gradually when player is IN COMBAT, DODGE always cost 25 points (one segment of blue bar).
Heroes OUT OF COMBAT slowly regenerate their stamina when they don't move actively.
over time. (10 stamina/s)
BURROW lasts 1 second longer.
[Q/LB],[Q/LB]: On hit, inflicts SLOW
Reduces movement speed by 20%.
MAJOR SLOW (30%) and MASSIVE SLOW (60%) are more powerful.
major slow
. (2s)
Increases the height of all jumps when affected by the skill.
Jump higher
when emerging and PUSH
Knocks enemies back. This does not stop them from using skills.
enemies further.
Right path
Seismic Activity
[Q/LB],[Q/LB]: Burrow to targeted location and attack in a radius. PUSH
Knocks enemies back. This does not stop them from using skills.
Increases cooldown by 5s
Give Me The Slowdown Eruption
[Q/LB],[Q/LB]: On hit, inflicts SLOW
Reduces movement speed by 20%.
MAJOR SLOW (30%) and MASSIVE SLOW (60%) are more powerful.
major slow
. (2s)
Increases the height of all jumps when affected by the skill.
Jump higher
when emerging and PUSH
Knocks enemies back. This does not stop them from using skills.
enemies further.
E / RB
Default ability COOLDOWN. 16s
Base TARGET RANGE value. 10m
HOLD [E/RB]: Create a stone wall that blocks enemies and projectiles. (2s)
TAP [E/RB] AGAIN: Destroys the wall.
HOLD [E/RB]: Create a stone wall that blocks enemies and projectiles. (2s)
TAP [E/RB] AGAIN: Destroys the wall.
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Rock Solid
Wall duration increased by 1s.
When it expires, the wall explodes dealing 250 DAMAGE
Decreases target's HEALTH or SHIELD with successful attacks and leads to target's death after its health bar reaches 0.
Rock of Ages Garrison Cracks in the Foundation Mineral Heavy
Wall duration increased by another 0.5s.
The wall grants +10 SHIELD
Absorbs 85% of all incoming DAMAGE for the duration of the shield, or until the shield is destroyed (if it has a HP value).
to you and nearby allies. (5s)
Explosion inflicts
Reduces armor by 10 and damages enemies over time.
cracked armor
. (3s)
Explosion briefly
Interrupts and prevents skill usage for the duration of the daze.
enemies. (0.5s)
Right path
When it expires, the wall explodes dealing 250 DAMAGE
Decreases target's HEALTH or SHIELD with successful attacks and leads to target's death after its health bar reaches 0.
Cracks in the Foundation Mineral Heavy
Explosion inflicts
Reduces armor by 10 and damages enemies over time.
cracked armor
. (3s)
Explosion briefly
Interrupts and prevents skill usage for the duration of the daze.
enemies. (0.5s)
 Focus ability
Base DAMAGE value.
Against heroes with LIGHT ARMOR:
Against heroes with HEAVY ARMOR:

Base RANGE value. ?m
Charge up and then roll forward, LAUNCH
Knocks enemies up, interrupting any skills in use and preventing any further skill usage or movement until they land.
enemies away and dealing DAMAGE
Decreases target's HEALTH or SHIELD with successful attacks and leads to target's death after its health bar reaches 0.
. (300/450/600)
Grants +40 ARMOR
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by 1% to 1 point of armor. Each hero has a base amount of armor that can be increased temporarily through skills and upgrades. Armored heroes have 25 Armor, while other heroes have 15 Armor.
Negates all incoming DAMAGE and prevents the application of debuffs.
disruption immunity
Charge up and then roll forward, LAUNCH
Knocks enemies up, interrupting any skills in use and preventing any further skill usage or movement until they land.
enemies away and dealing DAMAGE
Decreases target's HEALTH or SHIELD with successful attacks and leads to target's death after its health bar reaches 0.
. (300/450/600)
Grants +40 ARMOR
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by 1% to 1 point of armor. Each hero has a base amount of armor that can be increased temporarily through skills and upgrades. Armored heroes have 25 Armor, while other heroes have 15 Armor.
Negates all incoming DAMAGE and prevents the application of debuffs.
disruption immunity
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Ready to Rock
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by a certain percentage, as determined by the skill that applies the reduction.
degen resistance
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by a certain percentage, as determined by the skill that applies the reduction.
degen resistance
after using FOCUS. (Lasts until you die)
While shielded, gain +10% basic attack DAMAGE
Decreases target's HEALTH or SHIELD with successful attacks and leads to target's death after its health bar reaches 0.
Battle Ready Hardened Resolve Life Line Focus Buffer
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by a certain percentage, as determined by the skill that applies the reduction.
damage reduction
, additional +5% while attacking.
Increased shield health. (+200)
+20% self HEALING
Provides HEALTH every second. The amount is determined by the source of the healing.
. When out of
A state in which characters enter while using their DAMAGE dealing skills and taking damage from enemies.
During combat active movements (SPRINT, JUMP and DODGE) consume STAMINA.
In 7 seconds after not performing attacks and taking damage, character is OUT OF COMBAT and begins to regenerate his HEALTH and STAMINA.
, health returns faster.
While shielded, gain
Special resource that is accumulated and stored throughout every match, and can be used to unleash a FOCUS ABILITY, or upgrade young creatures to powerful adults.
Focus requires to build up FOCUS CHARGES (maximum 3) before it can be used. They can be accumulated by dealing damage to enemies, healing allies, taking damage, and sometimes after being defeated and sent to the Airship.
25% faster.
Right path
Ready to Rock
While shielded, gain +10% basic attack DAMAGE
Decreases target's HEALTH or SHIELD with successful attacks and leads to target's death after its health bar reaches 0.
Life Line Focus Buffer
+20% self HEALING
Provides HEALTH every second. The amount is determined by the source of the healing.
. When out of
A state in which characters enter while using their DAMAGE dealing skills and taking damage from enemies.
During combat active movements (SPRINT, JUMP and DODGE) consume STAMINA.
In 7 seconds after not performing attacks and taking damage, character is OUT OF COMBAT and begins to regenerate his HEALTH and STAMINA.
, health returns faster.
While shielded, gain
Special resource that is accumulated and stored throughout every match, and can be used to unleash a FOCUS ABILITY, or upgrade young creatures to powerful adults.
Focus requires to build up FOCUS CHARGES (maximum 3) before it can be used. They can be accumulated by dealing damage to enemies, healing allies, taking damage, and sometimes after being defeated and sent to the Airship.
25% faster.


Mountain Range
[RMB/LT]: TREMORS has extended reach. (+3m)

CLASH: Hitting with spikes grants +15% basic attack DAMAGE
Decreases target's HEALTH or SHIELD with successful attacks and leads to target's death after its health bar reaches 0.
. (4s)
[Q/LB]: BURROW grants +5 ARMOR
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by 1% to 1 point of armor. Each hero has a base amount of armor that can be increased temporarily through skills and upgrades. Armored heroes have 25 Armor, while other heroes have 15 Armor.
after emerging. (5s)

CLASH: +5 additional armor for each enemy nearby when emerging. (Maximum: +15, 5s)
Rock On
[E/RB]: ROCK BARRIER cooldown reduced. (-2s)

CLASH: With shield, cooldown reduced by another 2s.


Rutger is duty-bound stone warden of the land, and will protect it whatever the cost. He is a loyal attack-type tank with abilities that revolve around earth manipulation. Though it may seem that Rutger is a low-mobility character, his ability [Q/LB] BURROW proves that wrong. STAMINA
Special resource which allows hero to sprint, dodge, jump, and utilize powerful dodge and sprint attacks.
By default all heroes have 100 points of stamina.
While SPRINT and JUMPS consume stamina gradually when player is IN COMBAT, DODGE always cost 25 points (one segment of blue bar).
Heroes OUT OF COMBAT slowly regenerate their stamina when they don't move actively.
management, along with this ability allows him to get in and out of combat rather quickly, as well as provide him with an escape route from oncoming enemy attacks.

Rutger may be mistaken to be invincible due to his substantial amount of his “natural” SHIELD
Absorbs 85% of all incoming DAMAGE for the duration of the shield, or until the shield is destroyed (if it has a HP value).
, but it's far from reality. Bear in mind that once the shield is gone, the only thing keeping you alive will be his extremely low health, which can destroyed by most characters instantaneously. To keep this from happening remember to always use [Q/LB] BURROW not just for escape, but also to regain shield when it is just about done.

Tips and Tricks

  • While sufficiently tanky, players who pick up Rutger should keep a close eye on their health bar. If Rutger’s shield is broken he becomes significantly more vulnerable, as his health pool is not very large. When your shield is broken, it might be a good idea to disengage.
  • The [E/RB] ROCK BARRIER skill is great at controlling the battlefield and splitting up your enemies. Use it to block foes as they attempt to escape, or use it to aid your own escape by walling off a choke point on your way through. Be careful, though: your wall can also block your own teammates! If your wall placement is questionable, tap E/RB again to remove the wall.
  • If you start to take a lot of damage in a fight, it can be wise to take a breather by using your [Q/LB] BURROW skill. This will make you temporarily invulnerable and will give you a chance to restore some of your shield. Clever use of this skill can extend fights long enough for your other skills to come off cooldown.
  • Your FOCUS
    Special resource that is accumulated and stored throughout every match, and can be used to unleash a FOCUS ABILITY, or upgrade young creatures to powerful adults.
    Focus requires to build up FOCUS CHARGES (maximum 3) before it can be used. They can be accumulated by dealing damage to enemies, healing allies, taking damage, and sometimes after being defeated and sent to the Airship.
    skill can be used in many different ways. As a movement skill, it’s great for closing the gap and escaping from fights. In the middle of a fight, it can be used to disrupt the enemy team by bowling your way through as many enemies as possible.