Uncle Sven

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Uncle Sven is a playable hero in Gigantic. He is a alchemist with magical potions and a perfect support for any teammate. He is one of the first heroes to be revealed, debuting in the Pre-Alpha.

Uncle Sven
Chemistry and chaos
Uncle Sven has forgotten more about alchemy than you will ever know – and maybe more than he remembers.
One full segment of in-game health bar represents 500 health points.
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by 1% to 1 point of armor.
Heroes with light armor have 15 points of FRONT ARMOR and 7 points of BACK ARMOR.
Heroes with heavy armor have 25 points of FRONT ARMOR and 18 points of BACK ARMOR.
Base speed value. Heroes can move faster by SPRINTING, JUMPING or DODGING, sometimes at the cost of STAMINA.
ARCHETYPE  / Utility



Basic attack
Base DAMAGE value.
Against heroes with LIGHT ARMOR:
Front: ?
Back: ?
Against heroes with HEAVY ARMOR:
Front: ?
Back: ?

Base TARGET RANGE value of normal attacks; base RADIUS of impact: 1.3m. 15m
Lobbed projectile: DAMAGE
Decreases target's HEALTH or SHIELD with successful attacks and leads to target's death after its health bar reaches 0.
enemies with fire.
Lobbed projectile: DAMAGE
Decreases target's HEALTH or SHIELD with successful attacks and leads to target's death after its health bar reaches 0.
enemies with fire.
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3, 2, 1, Contact
Flame Out
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
on direct hits.
Hits a larger area and has increased DAMAGE BOOST
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
Has a slower attack rate.
Igniter Fluid Burned and Broken Geek Fire Slow Roasted
Inflict BURN
Deals damage over time.
on direct hits. (40 dmg/s, 3s duration)
If enemy has cracked or broken armor, direct hits inflict BROKEN ARMOR
Reduces armor by 25 and damages enemies over time.
broken armor
. (-25 armor, 3s duration)
Creates a BURN
Deals damage over time.
flaming area
. (once every 6s)
Inflicts weak
Deals damage over time.
. (15 dmg/s, 6s)
Right path
Flame Out
Hits a larger area and has increased DAMAGE BOOST
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
Has a slower attack rate.
Geek Fire Slow Roasted
Creates a BURN
Deals damage over time.
flaming area
. (once every 6s)
Inflicts weak
Deals damage over time.
. (15 dmg/s, 6s)
Default ability COOLDOWN. 10s
Base DAMAGE value.
Against heroes with LIGHT ARMOR:
Front: ?
Back: ?
Against heroes with HEAVY ARMOR:
Front: ?
Back: ?

Base TARGET RANGE value of normal attacks; base RADIUS of impact: ?m. 15m
Lobbed projectile: Creates a pool of acid that inflicts CRACKED ARMOR
Reduces armor by 10 and damages enemies over time.
cracked armor
. (-10 armor, 3s)
Lobbed projectile: Creates a pool of acid that inflicts CRACKED ARMOR
Reduces armor by 10 and damages enemies over time.
cracked armor
. (-10 armor, 3s)
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Longevity Catalyst
A Mean Ole Acid
Acid Pool duration doubled. (6s)
Direct hits deal extra DAMAGE BOOST
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
. (+90 damage)
Chemical Burn Inversion Reaction Rapid Reaction Acid Reflex
[RMB/LT],[LMB/RT]: Hit your Acid Pool with [LMB/RT]: FIRE FLASK to create a BURN
Deals damage over time.
area. (35 dmg/s, 6s duration)
[RMB/LT],[E/RB]: Hit your Acid Pool with [E/RB] HEALING WATERS to create a
Negates all incoming DAMAGE and prevents the application of debuffs.
debuff immunity
Direct hits deal DAMAGE BOOST
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
+40 dmg/s
the first 3s.
Throw flasks more often. (7s cooldown)
Right path
A Mean Ole Acid
Direct hits deal extra DAMAGE BOOST
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
. (+90 damage)
Rapid Reaction Acid Reflex
Direct hits deal DAMAGE BOOST
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
+40 dmg/s
the first 3s.
Throw flasks more often. (7s cooldown)
Q / LB
Default ability COOLDOWN. 14s
Base DAMAGE value.
Against heroes with LIGHT ARMOR:
Front: ?
Back: ?
Against heroes with HEAVY ARMOR:
Front: ?
Back: ?

Base TARGET RANGE value of normal attacks; base RADIUS of impact: ?m. 15m
Lobbed projectile: Creates a JUMP HIGHER
Increases the height of all jumps when affected by the skill.
super jump
On hit, PUSH
Knocks enemies back. This does not stop them from using skills.
and deals DAMAGE
Decreases target's HEALTH or SHIELD with successful attacks and leads to target's death after its health bar reaches 0.
to foes.
Lobbed projectile: Creates a JUMP HIGHER
Increases the height of all jumps when affected by the skill.
super jump
On hit, PUSH
Knocks enemies back. This does not stop them from using skills.
and deals DAMAGE
Decreases target's HEALTH or SHIELD with successful attacks and leads to target's death after its health bar reaches 0.
to foes.
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Bounces Off Me...
...Sticks To You.
You and your allies gain +20 ARMOR
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by 1% to 1 point of armor. Each hero has a base amount of armor that can be increased temporarily through skills and upgrades. Armored heroes have 25 Armor, while other heroes have 15 Armor.
upon entering the Puddle. (3s)
Enemies affected are SLOW
Reduces movement speed by 20%.
MAJOR SLOW (30%) and MASSIVE SLOW (60%) are more powerful.
. (-20%, 3s)
Super Bounce Absorption Matrix Perfect Pitch Oozing With Confidence
On initial hit, one ally gains DEFLECTION
Deflects incoming projectiles away in random directions from the source of deflection.
. (2s)
Does not affect self.
[Q/LB],[E/RB]: Hitting yourself or allies in the ELASTIC OOZE puddle with [E/RB] HEALING WATERS extends HEALING
Provides HEALTH every second. The amount is determined by the source of the healing.
. (50 HP/s, 10s)
[Q/LB],[LMB/RT]: Hitting a foe in the ELASTIC OOZE puddle with [LMB/RT] FIRE FLASK inflicts BURN
Deals damage over time.
aura. (Burns them and nearby foes, 4s)
On initial hit, now
Knocks enemies up, interrupting any skills in use and preventing any further skill usage or movement until they land.
. (Tosses foes farther)
Right path
...Sticks To You.
Enemies affected are SLOW
Reduces movement speed by 20%.
MAJOR SLOW (30%) and MASSIVE SLOW (60%) are more powerful.
. (-20%, 3s)
Perfect Pitch Oozing With Confidence
[Q/LB],[LMB/RT]: Hitting a foe in the ELASTIC OOZE puddle with [LMB/RT] FIRE FLASK inflicts BURN
Deals damage over time.
aura. (Burns them and nearby foes, 4s)
On initial hit, now
Knocks enemies up, interrupting any skills in use and preventing any further skill usage or movement until they land.
. (Tosses foes farther)
E / RB
Default ability COOLDOWN. 15s
Base HEALING value. 50HP/s
Base TARGET RANGE value of normal attacks; base RADIUS of impact: ?m. 15m
Lobbed projectile: Creates a HEALING
Provides HEALTH every second. The amount is determined by the source of the healing.
Lobbed projectile: Creates a HEALING
Provides HEALTH every second. The amount is determined by the source of the healing.
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Double Dose
Only the Purest Ingredients
Provides HEALTH every second. The amount is determined by the source of the healing.
continues for 10s after leaving the Healing Pool.
Removes any debuffs and prevents debuffs from being reapplied for a period of time (up to 4 seconds).
Remove debuffs
from yourself and allies in the hit area.
Precision Prescription Healthy Glow Persistent Purgative Bitter Medicine
Increased initial HEALING
Provides HEALTH every second. The amount is determined by the source of the healing.
to yourself or allies below 50% health. (150)
Healing applied to yourself or allies also HEALING
Provides HEALTH every second. The amount is determined by the source of the healing.
other nearby allies.
Negates all incoming DAMAGE and prevents the application of debuffs.
debuff immunity
to yourself and allies. (4s)
Enemies hit are PURGE
Instantly removes all buffs.
. (Removes buffs)
Right path
Only the Purest Ingredients
Removes any debuffs and prevents debuffs from being reapplied for a period of time (up to 4 seconds).
Remove debuffs
from yourself and allies in the hit area.
Persistent Purgative Bitter Medicine
Negates all incoming DAMAGE and prevents the application of debuffs.
debuff immunity
to yourself and allies. (4s)
Enemies hit are PURGE
Instantly removes all buffs.
. (Removes buffs)
 Focus ability
RADIUS of impact. 4.5m Lobbed projectile: POLYMORPH
Turns an enemy into a snail. Prevents the use of skills and reduces movement speed.
enemies, locking out skills and slowing them. (2s/4s/6s)
Lobbed projectile: POLYMORPH
Turns an enemy into a snail. Prevents the use of skills and reduces movement speed.
enemies, locking out skills and slowing them. (2s/4s/6s)
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Focused Healing
Gain additional FOCUS
Special resource that is accumulated and stored throughout every match, and can be used to unleash a FOCUS ABILITY, or upgrade young creatures to powerful adults.
Focus requires to build up FOCUS CHARGES (maximum 3) before it can be used. They can be accumulated by dealing damage to enemies, healing allies, taking damage, and sometimes after being defeated and sent to the Airship.
from direct hits with flasks.
Provides HEALTH every second. The amount is determined by the source of the healing.
power after using your FOCUS. (Lasts until you die)
Chaos Theory Powerful Chemistry Elusiveness Amity
[F/LS+RT],[LMB/RT]: CHAOS QUAFF hits a larger area.
[F/LS+RT],[LMB/RT]: Gain +15% basic attack DAMAGE BOOST
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
after using FOCUS. (Lasts until you die)
Gives character a chance to completely avoid incoming attack and gain invulnerability for a brief moment (does not apply to damage from ground effects or debuffs).
One dodge always costs 25 points of STAMINA. When stamina bar reaches 0, hero still can dodge, but will lost chance to gain invulnerability.
Melee Heroes also gain a special attack by using their primary attack after dodging at the cost of additional stamina, but charging forward and deal damage.
, gain +15 ARMOR
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by 1% to 1 point of armor. Each hero has a base amount of armor that can be increased temporarily through skills and upgrades. Armored heroes have 25 Armor, while other heroes have 15 Armor.
for 3s.
Provides HEALTH every second. The amount is determined by the skills applying it.
65 HP/s
after each assist or kill. (4s)
Right path
Focused Healing
Provides HEALTH every second. The amount is determined by the source of the healing.
power after using your FOCUS. (Lasts until you die)
Elusiveness Amity
Gives character a chance to completely avoid incoming attack and gain invulnerability for a brief moment (does not apply to damage from ground effects or debuffs).
One dodge always costs 25 points of STAMINA. When stamina bar reaches 0, hero still can dodge, but will lost chance to gain invulnerability.
Melee Heroes also gain a special attack by using their primary attack after dodging at the cost of additional stamina, but charging forward and deal damage.
, gain +15 ARMOR
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by 1% to 1 point of armor. Each hero has a base amount of armor that can be increased temporarily through skills and upgrades. Armored heroes have 25 Armor, while other heroes have 15 Armor.
for 3s.
Provides HEALTH every second. The amount is determined by the skills applying it.
65 HP/s
after each assist or kill. (4s)


Chemical Imbalance
[RMB/LT]: ACID FLASK debuff duration doubled. (6s)

CLASH: On hit, nearby allies gain +10% DAMAGE BOOST
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
. (5s)
Ooze and Ahhs
[Q/LB]: ELASTIC OOZE can be used more often. (-2s cooldown)

CLASH: -4s cooldown.
Potent Medicine
Provides HEALTH every second. The amount is determined by the source of the healing.
for more. (+15%)

Special resource that is accumulated and stored throughout every match, and can be used to unleash a FOCUS ABILITY, or upgrade young creatures to powerful adults.
Focus requires to build up FOCUS CHARGES (maximum 3) before it can be used. They can be accumulated by dealing damage to enemies, healing allies, taking damage, and sometimes after being defeated and sent to the Airship.
when [E/RB] HEALING WATERS affects an ally. (Once per 5s)


While Sven has decent enough damage and can certainly hold his own on a one on one situation, the fact is that he is 100% a support class hero. His potion abilities have the potential to change fights, sure, and his damage is good enough, but his utility is through the roof. His power to keep the team alive and deal regular damage through status effects like BURN
Deals damage over time.
make him a powerhouse in his own right, but he definitely needs support if he gets surrounded.

The way to treat Sven is to think of him as a “mortar”. Because his potions come out in an arc, planning around terrain and other features is key to success, and allows you to toss potions that the other team will never, ever see coming.

Tips and Tricks

  • Sven is a support hero. He can do damage on his own, but without support behind him, he can get wrecked pretty quickly.
  • All of Uncle Sven's attacks are thrown potion bottles that function very similar to grenades.
  • At the same time Sven's skills have a ton of splash damage, meaning you don't need to have great aim as long as you hit the general area.
  • Geek Fire upgrade [LMB/RT] FIRE FLASK has a BURN
    Deals damage over time.
    area of effect that can wreck even well trained groups. Use them in corridors or when retreating for huge damage.
    Reduces armor by 10 and damages enemies over time.
    cracks armor
    , and should be used before your basic attacks for increased damage.
    • Elastic Ooze grants a great JUMP HIGHER
      Increases the height of all jumps when affected by the skill.
      super jump
      , and allows you to access hidden paths for sneak attacks.
    • Oozing With Confidence upgrade gives huge knockback. Place it in the way of pursuing enemies or assaulting heroes, and you can knock them out of the fight for a few seconds.
  • [F/LS+RT],[LMB/RT] CHAOS QUAFF duration increases when you have higher FOCUS
    Special resource that is accumulated and stored throughout every match, and can be used to unleash a FOCUS ABILITY, or upgrade young creatures to powerful adults.
    Focus requires to build up FOCUS CHARGES (maximum 3) before it can be used. They can be accumulated by dealing damage to enemies, healing allies, taking damage, and sometimes after being defeated and sent to the Airship.
    level, and SLOW
    Reduces movement speed by 20%.
    MAJOR SLOW (30%) and MASSIVE SLOW (60%) are more powerful.
    enemies, leaving them without abilities. Use it on high threat enemies like Tripp to negate them for a while.