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Mozu is a playable hero in Gigantic. She is a ranged shooter who uses magical bolts and beams to defeat her enemies. She was first revealed at PAX South 2015.

Mischievous magician
Wizards could refuse to teach the little goblin, but they couldn't stop Mozu from stealing their wands.
One full segment of in-game health bar represents 500 health points.
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by 1% to 1 point of armor.
Heroes with light armor have 15 points of FRONT ARMOR and 7 points of BACK ARMOR.
Heroes with heavy armor have 25 points of FRONT ARMOR and 18 points of BACK ARMOR.
Base speed value. Heroes can move faster by SPRINTING, JUMPING or DODGING, sometimes at the cost of STAMINA.


Basic attack
Base DAMAGE value, per hit.
Against heroes with LIGHT ARMOR:
Front: 51
Back: 56
Against heroes with HEAVY ARMOR:
Front: 45
Back: 49

Base RANGE value. 40m
HOLD [LMB/RT]: Fire magic bolts. Attack rate increases as you hold.
(0.45 attacks/s at base, 1.65 attacks/s for 3.3s when charged)
HOLD [LMB/RT]: Fire magic bolts. Attack rate increases as you hold.
(0.45 attacks/s at base, 1.65 attacks/s for 3.3s when charged)
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Run and Hit
Omega Bolt
SKILL,[LMB/RT]: After using another skill, next use of MAGIC BOLT is instantly charged up. (1.65 attacks/s for 3.3s)
HOLD [LMB/RT],[LMB/RT]: Adds a third charge stage. If fully charged, your next MAGIC BOLT (within 5s) fires a blast that deals 275 DAMAGE
Decreases target's HEALTH or SHIELD with successful attacks and leads to target's death after its health bar reaches 0.
and inflicts SHOCK
Deals damage over time, when expires a burst of damage explodes from the affected target.
MAJOR SHOCK and MASSIVE SHOCK are more powerful.
massive shock
. (210 damage over 3s)
Magic Shell Dimensional Offense Piercing Shock Bolt of Renewal
[Q/LB],[LMB/RT]: After using ARCANE VORTEX, next use of MAGIC BOLT (within 1s) grants +40% front DAMAGE REDUCTION
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by a certain percentage, as determined by the skill that applies the reduction.
damage reduction
and front DEFLECTION
Deflects incoming projectiles away in random directions from the source of deflection.
[RMB/LT],[LMB/RT] or [E/RB],[LMB/RT]:
After using ATTRACTOR BEAM or DIMENSION DOOR, next use of MAGIC BOLT has an even higher fire rate. (1.95 attacks/s for 3.3s)
HOLD [LMB/RT],[LMB/RT]: Omega Bolt pierces and SHOCK
Deals damage over time, when expires a burst of damage explodes from the affected target.
MAJOR SHOCK and MASSIVE SHOCK are more powerful.
massive shocks
all enemies hit. (210 damage over 3s)
HOLD [LMB/RT],[LMB/RT]: Upon hitting with Omega Bolt, all other skill cooldowns are reduced by 3s.
Right path
Omega Bolt
HOLD [LMB/RT],[LMB/RT]: Adds a third charge stage. If fully charged, your next MAGIC BOLT (within 5s) fires a blast that deals 275 DAMAGE
Decreases target's HEALTH or SHIELD with successful attacks and leads to target's death after its health bar reaches 0.
and inflicts SHOCK
Deals damage over time, when expires a burst of damage explodes from the affected target.
MAJOR SHOCK and MASSIVE SHOCK are more powerful.
massive shock
. (210 damage over 3s)
Piercing Shock Bolt of Renewal
HOLD [LMB/RT],[LMB/RT]: Omega Bolt pierces and SHOCK
Deals damage over time, when expires a burst of damage explodes from the affected target.
MAJOR SHOCK and MASSIVE SHOCK are more powerful.
massive shocks
all enemies hit. (210 damage over 3s)
HOLD [LMB/RT],[LMB/RT]: Upon hitting with Omega Bolt, all other skill cooldowns are reduced by 3s.
Default ability COOLDOWN. 10s
Base DAMAGE value, per tick (0.5s).
Against heroes with LIGHT ARMOR:
Front: 12
Back: 14
Against heroes with HEAVY ARMOR:
Front: 11
Back: 12

Base RANGE value. 10m
HOLD [RMB/LT]: Beam attack that SLOW
Reduces movement speed by 20%.
MAJOR SLOW (30%) and MASSIVE SLOW (60%) are more powerful.
HOLD [RMB/LT]: Beam attack that SLOW
Reduces movement speed by 20%.
MAJOR SLOW (30%) and MASSIVE SLOW (60%) are more powerful.
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Channel Selector
Cantrip of Disruption
Simultaneously fires MAGIC BOLT while casting ATTRACTOR BEAM.
Disrupts any skills in use and very briefly slows the target's movement.
attackers on start (INTERRUPT
Disrupts any skills in use and very briefly slows the target's movement.
Slight delay before casting. (0.5s)
Renewed Attraction Drawn to Life Enervation Effect Force Feedback
If the targeted enemy dies, ATTRACTOR BEAM recharges instantly.
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
against foes below 33% HEALTH
Special resource which represents hero's or creature's life pool, measuring for how long they are able to remain in fight.
The amount of health is varied between characters. One segment of green bar represents 500 health points. Additional to it resources are TEMPORARY HEALTH (dark green) and SHIELD (light green).
Taking DAMAGE and using some of the skills reduce health. When health bar reaches 0, hero is defeated and returned to the Airship, while creature just dies.
Health can be recovered from various sources, while being OUT OF COMBAT slowly regenerates it.
. (90 dmg/s)
Disrupts any skills in use and very briefly slows the target's movement.
a foe, inflict WEAKNESS
Reduces outgoing damage by 25%.
MAJOR WEAKNESS (50%) and EXTREME WEAKNESS (75%) are more powerful.
. (-25% damage, 3s)
Disrupts any skills in use and very briefly slows the target's movement.
a foe, inflict CRIPPLE
Reduces movement speed by 40% and limits jump height.
for 3s.
Right path
Cantrip of Disruption
Disrupts any skills in use and very briefly slows the target's movement.
attackers on start (INTERRUPT
Disrupts any skills in use and very briefly slows the target's movement.
Slight delay before casting. (0.5s)
Enervation Effect Force Feedback
Disrupts any skills in use and very briefly slows the target's movement.
a foe, inflict WEAKNESS
Reduces outgoing damage by 25%.
MAJOR WEAKNESS (50%) and EXTREME WEAKNESS (75%) are more powerful.
. (-25% damage, 3s)
Disrupts any skills in use and very briefly slows the target's movement.
a foe, inflict CRIPPLE
Reduces movement speed by 40% and limits jump height.
for 3s.
Q / LB
Default ability COOLDOWN. 15s
Base TARGET RANGE value; base AREA RADIUS: 1.5m. 3m
Create a vortex that DEFLECTION
Deflects incoming projectiles away in random directions from the source of deflection.
enemy projectiles.
Create a vortex that DEFLECTION
Deflects incoming projectiles away in random directions from the source of deflection.
enemy projectiles.
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Temporal Dilation
Induction Field
ARCANE VORTEX lasts for 6s .
Increases targeting range. (10m)
After 1s, PULL
Pulls an enemy to hero's location, interrupting any skills in use and preventing any further skill usage or movement by the enemy while they're being pulled.
one nearby foe into ARCANE VORTEX (INTERRUPT
Disrupts any skills in use and very briefly slows the target's movement.
Increases cooldown. (20s)
Reverse Polarity Warp Factor Addition by Diffraction Confusion
Reflects incoming projectiles directly back at their source.
enemy projectiles.
Allies passing through ARCANE VORTEX gain a +30% SPEED BOOST
Increases the speed of hero by a percent determined by the skill applying it.
speed boost
for 5s.
When you hit a foe inside ARCANE VORTEX with MAGIC BOLT, deal +20% DAMAGE BOOST
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
with MAGIC BOLT for 5s.
Enemies that exit your ARCANE VORTEX are DAZE
Interrupts and prevents skill usage for the duration of the daze.
Disrupts any skills in use and very briefly slows the target's movement.
Right path
Induction Field
After 1s, PULL
Pulls an enemy to hero's location, interrupting any skills in use and preventing any further skill usage or movement by the enemy while they're being pulled.
one nearby foe into ARCANE VORTEX (INTERRUPT
Disrupts any skills in use and very briefly slows the target's movement.
Increases cooldown. (20s)
Addition by Diffraction Confusion
When you hit a foe inside ARCANE VORTEX with MAGIC BOLT, deal +20% DAMAGE BOOST
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
with MAGIC BOLT for 5s.
Enemies that exit your ARCANE VORTEX are DAZE
Interrupts and prevents skill usage for the duration of the daze.
Disrupts any skills in use and very briefly slows the target's movement.
E / RB
Default ability COOLDOWN. 15s
Base RANGE value. 12m
Teleport to target ground location.
Teleport to target ground location.
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Temporal Discontinuity
Seek Shelter
On use, reduces cooldown of other skills by 7s and gives you +15 STAMINA
Special resource which allows hero to sprint, dodge, jump, and utilize powerful dodge and sprint attacks.
By default all heroes have 100 points of stamina.
While SPRINT and JUMPS consume stamina gradually when player is IN COMBAT, DODGE always cost 25 points (one segment of blue bar).
Heroes OUT OF COMBAT slowly regenerate their stamina when they don't move actively.
Allies within 3m of your destination gain +25 ARMOR
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by 1% to 1 point of armor. Each hero has a base amount of armor that can be increased temporarily through skills and upgrades. Armored heroes have 25 Armor, while other heroes have 15 Armor.
for 3s.
Does not affect self.
Dimensional Rift Open to Offense Gimme Shelter Go Go Go
Deals 250 DAMAGE
Decreases target's HEALTH or SHIELD with successful attacks and leads to target's death after its health bar reaches 0.
to enemies at both your source and target destination.
After teleporting, MAGIC BOLT deals +25% DAMAGE BOOST
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
for 5s.
Allies within 3m of your destination also gain projectile DEFLECTION
Deflects incoming projectiles away in random directions from the source of deflection.
for 3s.
Does not affect self.
Allies within 3m of your destination also gain a +25% SPEED BOOST
Increases the speed of hero by a percent determined by the skill applying it.
speed boost
for 3s.
Does not affect self.
Right path
Seek Shelter
Allies within 3m of your destination gain +25 ARMOR
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by 1% to 1 point of armor. Each hero has a base amount of armor that can be increased temporarily through skills and upgrades. Armored heroes have 25 Armor, while other heroes have 15 Armor.
for 3s.
Does not affect self.
Gimme Shelter Go Go Go
Allies within 3m of your destination also gain projectile DEFLECTION
Deflects incoming projectiles away in random directions from the source of deflection.
for 3s.
Does not affect self.
Allies within 3m of your destination also gain a +25% SPEED BOOST
Increases the speed of hero by a percent determined by the skill applying it.
speed boost
for 3s.
Does not affect self.
 Focus ability
Base DAMAGE value, per tick (0.13s).
Against heroes with LIGHT ARMOR:
Front: 80
Back: 88
Against heroes with HEAVY ARMOR:
Front: 71
Back: 78

Base RANGE value. 23m
Unleash a deadly beam for 1.3s/1.6s/2.1s (duration increases with focus charge) that also SLOW
Reduces movement speed by 20%.
MAJOR SLOW (30%) and MASSIVE SLOW (60%) are more powerful.
Hits more targets per focus charge. (2/3/5)
Unleash a deadly beam for 1.3s/1.6s/2.1s (duration increases with focus charge) that also SLOW
Reduces movement speed by 20%.
MAJOR SLOW (30%) and MASSIVE SLOW (60%) are more powerful.
Hits more targets per focus charge. (2/3/5)
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Will to Power
Battle Ready
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
and +10% front DAMAGE REDUCTION
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by a certain percentage, as determined by the skill that applies the reduction.
damage reduction
after using DEATH RAY. (Lasts until you die)
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by a certain percentage, as determined by the skill that applies the reduction.
damage reduction
, additional +5% while attacking.
Supreme Will Refocus Skirmishing Acrobatics
Every Hero's crit chance defaults to 0.01%. Landing hits with primary attack will increase crit chance up to a maximum of 100%. Primary attacks are the only attacks that build and benefit from crit damage, though certain upgrades will allow some secondary skills to help build or modify your crit chance.
Failing to land hits with primary attack will cause crit chance to rapidly decay back to its default value.
crit chance
Special resource which allows hero to sprint, dodge, jump, and utilize powerful dodge and sprint attacks.
By default all heroes have 100 points of stamina.
While SPRINT and JUMPS consume stamina gradually when player is IN COMBAT, DODGE always cost 25 points (one segment of blue bar).
Heroes OUT OF COMBAT slowly regenerate their stamina when they don't move actively.
when you use DEATH RAY.
+15% FOCUS
Special resource that is accumulated and stored throughout every match, and can be used to unleash a FOCUS ABILITY, or upgrade young creatures to powerful adults.
Focus requires to build up FOCUS CHARGES (maximum 3) before it can be used. They can be accumulated by dealing damage to enemies, healing allies, taking damage, and sometimes after being defeated and sent to the Airship.
+25% FOCUS
Special resource that is accumulated and stored throughout every match, and can be used to unleash a FOCUS ABILITY, or upgrade young creatures to powerful adults.
Focus requires to build up FOCUS CHARGES (maximum 3) before it can be used. They can be accumulated by dealing damage to enemies, healing allies, taking damage, and sometimes after being defeated and sent to the Airship.
gain after using DEATH RAY. (Lasts until you die)
Special resource which allows hero to sprint, dodge, jump, and utilize powerful dodge and sprint attacks.
By default all heroes have 100 points of stamina.
While SPRINT and JUMPS consume stamina gradually when player is IN COMBAT, DODGE always cost 25 points (one segment of blue bar).
Heroes OUT OF COMBAT slowly regenerate their stamina when they don't move actively.
regeneration while in COMBAT
A state in which characters enter while using their DAMAGE dealing skills and taking damage from enemies.
During combat active movements (SPRINT, JUMP and DODGE) consume STAMINA.
In 7 seconds after not performing attacks and taking damage, character is OUT OF COMBAT and begins to regenerate his HEALTH and STAMINA.
. Out of combat HEALTH
Special resource which represents hero's or creature's life pool, measuring for how long they are able to remain in fight.
The amount of health is varied between characters. One segment of green bar represents 500 health points. Additional to it resources are TEMPORARY HEALTH (dark green) and SHIELD (light green).
Taking DAMAGE and using some of the skills reduce health. When health bar reaches 0, hero is defeated and returned to the Airship, while creature just dies.
Health can be recovered from various sources, while being OUT OF COMBAT slowly regenerates it.
regeneration starts 2s sooner.
Gives character a chance to completely avoid incoming attack and gain invulnerability for a brief moment (does not apply to damage from ground effects or debuffs).
One dodge always costs 25 points of STAMINA. When stamina bar reaches 0, hero still can dodge, but will lost chance to gain invulnerability.
Melee Heroes also gain a special attack by using their primary attack after dodging at the cost of additional stamina, but charging forward and deal damage.
costs 20% less STAMINA
Special resource which allows hero to sprint, dodge, jump, and utilize powerful dodge and sprint attacks.
By default all heroes have 100 points of stamina.
While SPRINT and JUMPS consume stamina gradually when player is IN COMBAT, DODGE always cost 25 points (one segment of blue bar).
Heroes OUT OF COMBAT slowly regenerate their stamina when they don't move actively.
Right path
Battle Ready
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by a certain percentage, as determined by the skill that applies the reduction.
damage reduction
, additional +5% while attacking.
Skirmishing Acrobatics
Special resource which allows hero to sprint, dodge, jump, and utilize powerful dodge and sprint attacks.
By default all heroes have 100 points of stamina.
While SPRINT and JUMPS consume stamina gradually when player is IN COMBAT, DODGE always cost 25 points (one segment of blue bar).
Heroes OUT OF COMBAT slowly regenerate their stamina when they don't move actively.
regeneration while in COMBAT
A state in which characters enter while using their DAMAGE dealing skills and taking damage from enemies.
During combat active movements (SPRINT, JUMP and DODGE) consume STAMINA.
In 7 seconds after not performing attacks and taking damage, character is OUT OF COMBAT and begins to regenerate his HEALTH and STAMINA.
. Out of combat HEALTH
Special resource which represents hero's or creature's life pool, measuring for how long they are able to remain in fight.
The amount of health is varied between characters. One segment of green bar represents 500 health points. Additional to it resources are TEMPORARY HEALTH (dark green) and SHIELD (light green).
Taking DAMAGE and using some of the skills reduce health. When health bar reaches 0, hero is defeated and returned to the Airship, while creature just dies.
Health can be recovered from various sources, while being OUT OF COMBAT slowly regenerates it.
regeneration starts 2s sooner.
Gives character a chance to completely avoid incoming attack and gain invulnerability for a brief moment (does not apply to damage from ground effects or debuffs).
One dodge always costs 25 points of STAMINA. When stamina bar reaches 0, hero still can dodge, but will lost chance to gain invulnerability.
Melee Heroes also gain a special attack by using their primary attack after dodging at the cost of additional stamina, but charging forward and deal damage.
costs 20% less STAMINA
Special resource which allows hero to sprint, dodge, jump, and utilize powerful dodge and sprint attacks.
By default all heroes have 100 points of stamina.
While SPRINT and JUMPS consume stamina gradually when player is IN COMBAT, DODGE always cost 25 points (one segment of blue bar).
Heroes OUT OF COMBAT slowly regenerate their stamina when they don't move actively.


All to Tether Now
ATTRACTOR BEAM stays attached at longer range. (15m)

CLASH: While casting, grants +6% FOCUS
Special resource that is accumulated and stored throughout every match, and can be used to unleash a FOCUS ABILITY, or upgrade young creatures to powerful adults.
Focus requires to build up FOCUS CHARGES (maximum 3) before it can be used. They can be accumulated by dealing damage to enemies, healing allies, taking damage, and sometimes after being defeated and sent to the Airship.
per second attached.
Perfect Storm
[Q/LB]: ARCANE VORTEX is larger. (AREA RADIUS: 1.8m)

Every Hero's crit chance defaults to 0.01%. Landing hits with primary attack will increase crit chance up to a maximum of 100%. Primary attacks are the only attacks that build and benefit from crit damage, though certain upgrades will allow some secondary skills to help build or modify your crit chance.
Failing to land hits with primary attack will cause crit chance to rapidly decay back to its default value.
crit chance
to 100%.
Added Dimension
DIMENSION DOOR has longer range. (18m)

CLASH: Reduces cooldown if you are over 50% HEALTH
Special resource which represents hero's or creature's life pool, measuring for how long they are able to remain in fight.
The amount of health is varied between characters. One segment of green bar represents 500 health points. Additional to it resources are TEMPORARY HEALTH (dark green) and SHIELD (light green).
Taking DAMAGE and using some of the skills reduce health. When health bar reaches 0, hero is defeated and returned to the Airship, while creature just dies.
Health can be recovered from various sources, while being OUT OF COMBAT slowly regenerates it.
. (9s)


The fact of the matter is that Mozu is either the best hero or the worst hero entirely based on the play style and abilities of the player controlling Mozu. Because her basic attack, [LMB/RT] MAGIC BOLT, takes a lot of time to understand and use properly, a lot of players seem to shy away from her. Part of the problem is that this attack builds up damage over time, meaning when you enter a fight, you have low-ish defense, decent enough mobility, but low damage, which amps up over time. This means she is prone to being disrupted, blocked, and mitigated. If you plan your attacks correctly, however, and take on a more "support fire" role than a direct DPS, you can do a huge amount of damage with Mozu.

You can do this by preparing before-hand, making sure to pre-arm the LMB/RT attack before you get into combat. A recommended game plan is to drop into a fight with a pre-armed Magic Bolts, deal as much damage as you can, then use the [E/RB] DIMENSION DOOR to "get out of dodge" before you take too much heat. Managing your STAMINA
Special resource which allows hero to sprint, dodge, jump, and utilize powerful dodge and sprint attacks.
By default all heroes have 100 points of stamina.
While SPRINT and JUMPS consume stamina gradually when player is IN COMBAT, DODGE always cost 25 points (one segment of blue bar).
Heroes OUT OF COMBAT slowly regenerate their stamina when they don't move actively.
, and understanding the cooldown for Dimension Door is extremely important: If you're caught without either, you might as well sit still, because you might as well be dead, regardless of how effectively you use your other skills or how many allies you have to help.

Tips and Tricks

  • Mozu can deal huge, amazing damage with [LMB/RT] MAGIC BOLT, but as a ranged caster, she is made to stay in the backline, behind tanks, bruisers, and melee fighters. Never be at the front of your team unless you have an [Q/LB] ARCANE VORTEX to protect you and [E/RB] DIMENSION DOOR to warp to safety.
  • [LMB/RT] MAGIC BOLT takes a period of time to charge, so you can pre-load it by hitting the air before your first attacks.
  • Assassins will try to dive you and kill you quickly. If they are on the enemy team, it is best to save [E/RB] DIMENSION DOOR for when they try to jump on you, and use Cantrip of Disruption upgrade of [RMB/LT] ATTRACTOR BEAM to INTERRUPT
    Disrupts any skills in use and very briefly slows the target's movement.
    their damage abilities.
  • Deploy [Q/LB] ARCANE VORTEX in front of your allies and in close areas to negate enemy skills and movement.
  • [E/RB] DIMENSION DOOR is a great, easy escape skill, but remember that you have to touch terrain or the ground in order to teleport – it can't be used in aerial combat.
  • If you keep moving in the direction [E/RB] DIMENSION DOOR is going before you teleport, you will move a bit further forward than where you targeted initially. This can be used to potentially get to higher or further places, where you may not initially be able to target.
  • [F,LMB/LS+RT,RT] DEATH RAY has a surprisingly long range, little more than half your Primary's maximum range. Using it at a distance can provide excellent crowd damage, while keeping you further from enemies that could jump you.
  • Manage your STAMINA
    Special resource which allows hero to sprint, dodge, jump, and utilize powerful dodge and sprint attacks.
    By default all heroes have 100 points of stamina.
    While SPRINT and JUMPS consume stamina gradually when player is IN COMBAT, DODGE always cost 25 points (one segment of blue bar).
    Heroes OUT OF COMBAT slowly regenerate their stamina when they don't move actively.
    or you're going to be knocked down extremely fast.
  • Don't be afraid to run, as you honestly can't deal with much damage by yourself.


  • The talent All to Tether Now does not increase Attractor Beam's range as stated in game. Rather, it increases the max range the beam stays attached at.
  • Taking the upgrade Temporal Dilation, then undoing the upgrade, does not undo the change to the ability; it still keeps the range and increased time up.
  • The upgrade Supreme Will effectively doesn't provide an increase to crit chance. This is most likely due to the fact that the crit chance increase expires in duration while Mozu is channeling the focus.