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Griselma is a playable Hero in Gigantic. She is a middle ranged hero and playing with portals is her job. She was first revealed at PAX South 2015.

Wise summoner
Dark gifts may be gained by those who venture into the Rift and survive.
One full segment of in-game health bar represents 500 health points.
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by 1% to 1 point of armor.
Heroes with light armor have 15 points of FRONT ARMOR and 7 points of BACK ARMOR.
Heroes with heavy armor have 25 points of FRONT ARMOR and 18 points of BACK ARMOR.
Base speed value. Heroes can move faster by SPRINTING, JUMPING or DODGING, sometimes at the cost of STAMINA.



Basic attack
Base DAMAGE value, per tick (0.3s).
Against heroes with LIGHT ARMOR:
Front: ?
Back: ?
Against heroes with HEAVY ARMOR:
Front: ?
Back: ?

Base RANGE value. 10m
Beam attack that does modest DAMAGE
Decreases target's HEALTH or SHIELD with successful attacks and leads to target's death after its health bar reaches 0.
Portal Beasts prioritize your target and attack targeted heroes faster.
Beam attack that does modest DAMAGE
Decreases target's HEALTH or SHIELD with successful attacks and leads to target's death after its health bar reaches 0.
Portal Beasts prioritize your target and attack targeted heroes faster.
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Left path
Mark of the Master
Touch of the Master
Portal Beasts inflict SHOCK
Deals damage over time, when expires a burst of damage explodes from the affected target.
MAJOR SHOCK and MASSIVE SHOCK are more powerful.
on foes you are attacking. (90 damage over 3s. Does not stack)
Perform a File:Eff icon steal.pnglife-stealing melee attack.
Hitting your Portal Beast gives it HEALING
Provides HEALTH every second. The amount is determined by the source of the healing.
(125 HP/s), attack, and 360° awareness for 4s.
Spanked Mark of Survival Shielding Touch Empowering Touch
Portal Beasts inflict SHOCK
Deals damage over time, when expires a burst of damage explodes from the affected target.
MAJOR SHOCK and MASSIVE SHOCK are more powerful.
major shock
. (120 damage over 3s. Does not stack)
Provides HEALTH every second. The amount is determined by the source of the healing.
when you hit shocked enemies. (+75 HP/s)
Hitting your Portal Beast grants +20 ARMOR
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by 1% to 1 point of armor. Each hero has a base amount of armor that can be increased temporarily through skills and upgrades. Armored heroes have 25 Armor, while other heroes have 15 Armor.
. (5s duration)
Hitting an enemy grants you and your Portal Beasts +20 ARMOR
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by 1% to 1 point of armor. Each hero has a base amount of armor that can be increased temporarily through skills and upgrades. Armored heroes have 25 Armor, while other heroes have 15 Armor.
. (4s duration)
Hitting your Portal Beast grants +35% DAMAGE BOOST
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
. (5s duration)
Hitting an enemy grants you and your Portal Beasts +35% DAMAGE BOOST
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
. (4s duration)
Right path
Touch of the Master
Perform a File:Eff icon steal.pnglife-stealing melee attack.
Hitting your Portal Beast gives it HEALING
Provides HEALTH every second. The amount is determined by the source of the healing.
(125 HP/s), attack, and 360° awareness for 4s.
Shielding Touch Empowering Touch
Hitting your Portal Beast grants +20 ARMOR
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by 1% to 1 point of armor. Each hero has a base amount of armor that can be increased temporarily through skills and upgrades. Armored heroes have 25 Armor, while other heroes have 15 Armor.
. (5s duration)
Hitting an enemy grants you and your Portal Beasts +20 ARMOR
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by 1% to 1 point of armor. Each hero has a base amount of armor that can be increased temporarily through skills and upgrades. Armored heroes have 25 Armor, while other heroes have 15 Armor.
. (4s duration)
Hitting your Portal Beast grants +35% DAMAGE BOOST
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
. (5s duration)
Hitting an enemy grants you and your Portal Beasts +35% DAMAGE BOOST
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
. (4s duration)
Default ability COOLDOWN. 9s
Base DAMAGE value, per hit.
Against heroes with LIGHT ARMOR:
Front: ?
Back: ?
Against heroes with HEAVY ARMOR:
Front: ?
Back: ?

Create a Portal Beast. (Max 2)
3s cooldown if created in [Q/LB] RIFT ZONE. (Destroys RIFT ZONE)
Create a Portal Beast. (Max 2)
3s cooldown if created in [Q/LB] RIFT ZONE. (Destroys RIFT ZONE)
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Ambush Hands
Bestial Aura
While idle, your Portal Beasts are invisible and rapidly regain HEALING
Provides HEALTH every second. The amount is determined by the source of the healing.
You and nearby allies gain +10% basic attack DAMAGE BOOST
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
and +10 ARMOR
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by 1% to 1 point of armor. Each hero has a base amount of armor that can be increased temporarily through skills and upgrades. Armored heroes have 25 Armor, while other heroes have 15 Armor.
Grasping Hands Smashing Hands Bestial Attunement Bestial Feast
Portal Beasts perform a File:Eff icon steal.pnglife-stealing attack.
Portal Beasts perform an BROKEN ARMOR
Reduces armor by 25 and damages enemies over time.
attack. (5s duration)
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by 1% to 1 point of armor. Each hero has a base amount of armor that can be increased temporarily through skills and upgrades. Armored heroes have 25 Armor, while other heroes have 15 Armor.
bonuses are +15%/+15 and last longer. (3s duration)
Every 6s, your Portal Beasts CLEANSED
Removes any debuffs and prevents debuffs from being reapplied for a period of time (up to 4 seconds).
eat all debuffs
Provides HEALTH every second. The amount is determined by the source of the healing.
you and nearby allies.
Right path
Bestial Aura
You and nearby allies gain +10% basic attack DAMAGE BOOST
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
and +10 ARMOR
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by 1% to 1 point of armor. Each hero has a base amount of armor that can be increased temporarily through skills and upgrades. Armored heroes have 25 Armor, while other heroes have 15 Armor.
Bestial Attunement Bestial Feast
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by 1% to 1 point of armor. Each hero has a base amount of armor that can be increased temporarily through skills and upgrades. Armored heroes have 25 Armor, while other heroes have 15 Armor.
bonuses are +15%/+15 and last longer. (3s duration)
Every 6s, your Portal Beasts CLEANSED
Removes any debuffs and prevents debuffs from being reapplied for a period of time (up to 4 seconds).
eat all debuffs
Provides HEALTH every second. The amount is determined by the source of the healing.
you and nearby allies.
Q / LB
Default ability COOLDOWN. 10s
Base DAMAGE value, per tick (1s).
Against heroes with LIGHT ARMOR:
Front: ?
Back: ?
Against heroes with HEAVY ARMOR:
Front: ?
Back: ?

Base TARGET RANGE; base RADIUS of impact: 2.5m. 8m
Zone: Deals DAMAGE
Decreases target's HEALTH or SHIELD with successful attacks and leads to target's death after its health bar reaches 0.
and inflicts CRACKED ARMOR
Reduces armor by 10 and damages enemies over time.
cracked armor
. (-10 armor, 5s duration, 2.5m radius)
Zone: Deals DAMAGE
Decreases target's HEALTH or SHIELD with successful attacks and leads to target's death after its health bar reaches 0.
and inflicts CRACKED ARMOR
Reduces armor by 10 and damages enemies over time.
cracked armor
. (-10 armor, 5s duration, 2.5m radius)
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Element of Surprise
Shattered Rift
[Q/LB],[RMB/LT]: Portal Beasts deal double DAMAGE BOOST
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
if created in RIFT ZONE. (4s duration)
Reduces armor by 25 and damages enemies over time.
breaks armor
(-25 armor, 3s duration).
[RMB/LT] PORTAL BEASTS while in the rift to trigger effect early.
Soothing Journey Portal Call Stumbling Block Rift Burst
[Q/LB],[RMB/LT]: Portal Beasts are SHIELD
Absorbs 85% of all incoming DAMAGE for the duration of the shield, or until the shield is destroyed (if it has a HP value).
up to 500 HP if created in RIFT ZONE. (10s duration)
[Q/LB],[RMB/LT]: -3s cooldown when you create Portal Beasts in RIFT ZONE.
On end, DAZE
Interrupts and prevents skill usage for the duration of the daze.
and PUSH
Knocks enemies back. This does not stop them from using skills.
enemies up.
On end, deals DAMAGE
Decreases target's HEALTH or SHIELD with successful attacks and leads to target's death after its health bar reaches 0.
. (150)
Right path
Shattered Rift
Reduces armor by 25 and damages enemies over time.
breaks armor
(-25 armor, 3s duration).
[RMB/LT] PORTAL BEASTS while in the rift to trigger effect early.
Stumbling Block Rift Burst
On end, DAZE
Interrupts and prevents skill usage for the duration of the daze.
and PUSH
Knocks enemies back. This does not stop them from using skills.
enemies up.
On end, deals DAMAGE
Decreases target's HEALTH or SHIELD with successful attacks and leads to target's death after its health bar reaches 0.
. (150)
E / RB
Default ability COOLDOWN. 20s
Base RANGE value. 7m
Provides HEALTH every second. The amount is determined by the source of the healing.
50 HP/s
Disappear into a portal and HEALTH REGENERATION
Provides HEALTH every second. The amount is determined by the skills applying it.
regenerate health
. (50 HP/s, 4s duration)
TAP [E/RB] AGAIN: Exit the portal early.
Disappear into a portal and HEALTH REGENERATION
Provides HEALTH every second. The amount is determined by the skills applying it.
regenerate health
. (50 HP/s, 4s duration)
TAP [E/RB] AGAIN: Exit the portal early.
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Conservation of Mass
Exit Strategy
When you enter your portal, you summon a Portal Beast.
[E/RB],[E/RB]: Teleport to a targeted location. (+5s cooldown if you teleport)
Gift of Preservation Gift of Annihilation Escape Hatch Portal Collapse
While in your portal, your Portal Beasts regain HEALING
Provides HEALTH every second. The amount is determined by the source of the healing.
While in your portal, your Portal Beasts attack rapidly.
[E/RB],[E/RB]: Upon teleporting, gain +15 ARMOR
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by 1% to 1 point of armor. Each hero has a base amount of armor that can be increased temporarily through skills and upgrades. Armored heroes have 25 Armor, while other heroes have 15 Armor.
. (3s duration)
[E/RB],[E/RB]: Upon teleporting, foes near your destination are STUN
Interrupts and prevents skill usage and movement for the duration of the stun.
. (1.5s duration)
Right path
Exit Strategy
[E/RB],[E/RB]: Teleport to a targeted location. (+5s cooldown if you teleport)
Escape Hatch Portal Collapse
[E/RB],[E/RB]: Upon teleporting, gain +15 ARMOR
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by 1% to 1 point of armor. Each hero has a base amount of armor that can be increased temporarily through skills and upgrades. Armored heroes have 25 Armor, while other heroes have 15 Armor.
. (3s duration)
[E/RB],[E/RB]: Upon teleporting, foes near your destination are STUN
Interrupts and prevents skill usage and movement for the duration of the stun.
. (1.5s duration)
 Focus ability
Base DAMAGE value, on summon; MEGA BEAST damage value, per hit: 150/200/250.
Against heroes with LIGHT ARMOR:
Against heroes with HEAVY ARMOR:

Maximum TARGET RANGE; RADIUS of impact: 4.5m. 17m
Create a MEGA BEAST.
Deals 250/400/550 DAMAGE
Decreases target's HEALTH or SHIELD with successful attacks and leads to target's death after its health bar reaches 0.
Knocks enemies up, interrupting any skills in use and preventing any further skill usage or movement until they land.
on spawn. Lives for 8s.
Create a MEGA BEAST.
Deals 250/400/550 DAMAGE
Decreases target's HEALTH or SHIELD with successful attacks and leads to target's death after its health bar reaches 0.
Knocks enemies up, interrupting any skills in use and preventing any further skill usage or movement until they land.
on spawn. Lives for 8s.
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Fringe Benefits
Masterful Focus
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by 1% to 1 point of armor. Each hero has a base amount of armor that can be increased temporarily through skills and upgrades. Armored heroes have 25 Armor, while other heroes have 15 Armor.
when you are hit from long or medium range.
Portal Beasts provide FOCUS
Special resource that is accumulated and stored throughout every match, and can be used to unleash a FOCUS ABILITY, or upgrade young creatures to powerful adults.
Focus requires to build up FOCUS CHARGES (maximum 3) before it can be used. They can be accumulated by dealing damage to enemies, healing allies, taking damage, and sometimes after being defeated and sent to the Airship.
twice as fast.
Acrobatics Life Line Focused Might Perseverance
Gives character a chance to completely avoid incoming attack and gain invulnerability for a brief moment (does not apply to damage from ground effects or debuffs).
One dodge always costs 25 points of STAMINA. When stamina bar reaches 0, hero still can dodge, but will lost chance to gain invulnerability.
Melee Heroes also gain a special attack by using their primary attack after dodging at the cost of additional stamina, but charging forward and deal damage.
costs 20% less STAMINA
Special resource which allows hero to sprint, dodge, jump, and utilize powerful dodge and sprint attacks.
By default all heroes have 100 points of stamina.
While SPRINT and JUMPS consume stamina gradually when player is IN COMBAT, DODGE always cost 25 points (one segment of blue bar).
Heroes OUT OF COMBAT slowly regenerate their stamina when they don't move actively.
+20% to self HEALING
Provides HEALTH every second. The amount is determined by the source of the healing.
When out of COMBAT
A state in which characters enter while using their DAMAGE dealing skills and taking damage from enemies.
During combat active movements (SPRINT, JUMP and DODGE) consume STAMINA.
In 7 seconds after not performing attacks and taking damage, character is OUT OF COMBAT and begins to regenerate his HEALTH and STAMINA.
, your health returns faster.
[F/LS+RT],[LMB/RT]: Gain +7% basic attack DAMAGE BOOST
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
when you use FOCUS. (Maximum: +14%, lasts until you die)
Provides HEALTH every second. The amount is determined by the source of the healing.
+75 HP/s
and disruption INVULNERABILITY
Negates all incoming DAMAGE and prevents the application of debuffs.
after using FOCUS. (4s duration) (Stun, launch, interrupt, daze, pull)
Right path
Masterful Focus
Portal Beasts provide FOCUS
Special resource that is accumulated and stored throughout every match, and can be used to unleash a FOCUS ABILITY, or upgrade young creatures to powerful adults.
Focus requires to build up FOCUS CHARGES (maximum 3) before it can be used. They can be accumulated by dealing damage to enemies, healing allies, taking damage, and sometimes after being defeated and sent to the Airship.
twice as fast.
Focused Might Perseverance
[F/LS+RT],[LMB/RT]: Gain +7% basic attack DAMAGE BOOST
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
when you use FOCUS. (Maximum: +14%, lasts until you die)
Provides HEALTH every second. The amount is determined by the source of the healing.
+75 HP/s
and disruption INVULNERABILITY
Negates all incoming DAMAGE and prevents the application of debuffs.
after using FOCUS. (4s duration) (Stun, launch, interrupt, daze, pull)


Beast Friends
[RMB/LT]: Portal Beasts are created faster and grant +10 STAMINA
Special resource which allows hero to sprint, dodge, jump, and utilize powerful dodge and sprint attacks.
By default all heroes have 100 points of stamina.
While SPRINT and JUMPS consume stamina gradually when player is IN COMBAT, DODGE always cost 25 points (one segment of blue bar).
Heroes OUT OF COMBAT slowly regenerate their stamina when they don't move actively.

Special resource that is accumulated and stored throughout every match, and can be used to unleash a FOCUS ABILITY, or upgrade young creatures to powerful adults.
Focus requires to build up FOCUS CHARGES (maximum 3) before it can be used. They can be accumulated by dealing damage to enemies, healing allies, taking damage, and sometimes after being defeated and sent to the Airship.
upon summoning while facing an enemy.
Zoned Out
[Q/LB]: RIFT ZONE affects a larger area. (3.5m radius)

Decreases target's HEALTH or SHIELD with successful attacks and leads to target's death after its health bar reaches 0.
on start. (150)
Phase Variance
Increases the speed of hero by a percent determined by the skill applying it.
inside the portal.

CLASH: On end, if you have Portal Beasts, you are HEALING
Provides HEALTH every second. The amount is determined by the source of the healing.
for 300 HP.


Griselma is the only “builder” Hero in Gigantic. She utilizes a staff and Portal Beasts to control specific areas of the map. As a turret Hero her skills, with the exception of her [LMB/RT], are all static. Her Portal Beasts and traps cannot follow her unless summoned one at a time, meaning that she is strongest when protecting a small area. Fortunately and what makes Griselma particularly useful is the fact that her Portal Beasts have a relatively short cooldown between summons. Should you play it as such, Griselma can be incredibly aggressive and she is capable of pushing forwards quite quickly to establish her Portal Beasts, especially if the opposing team backs away.[1]

Griselma is a particularly difficult Hero to play well. She has almost no mobility until mid game and relies heavily on her STAMINA
Special resource which allows hero to sprint, dodge, jump, and utilize powerful dodge and sprint attacks.
By default all heroes have 100 points of stamina.
While SPRINT and JUMPS consume stamina gradually when player is IN COMBAT, DODGE always cost 25 points (one segment of blue bar).
Heroes OUT OF COMBAT slowly regenerate their stamina when they don't move actively.
to stay alive. Knowing when to push with your Portal Beasts and when to retreat is key to playing her effectively. Although you'll never likely be top of the leader board for kills, your group support can be invaluable.[1]

Griselma has two common playstyles. Beam Griselma focuses on upgrades that give her beam more power. Beam Griselma focuses on moving around and putting Portal Beasts in strange locations, hiding them with the Ambush Hands upgrade, and then surprising your foes with a large amount of burst damage. Beam Griselma is also very good at split pushing creatures and giving allies powerful cover fire. The other popular playstyle is Slap Griselma. Slap Griselma takes the Touch of the Master upgrade to make huge hard to kill nests that are perfect for defending important objectives. Slap Griselma's hands are the second most damaging thing in the game, and when Griselma is constantly healing them she becomes an immovable wall.

Tips and Tricks

  • Griselma's damage output isn't very good on her own, so make sure to create an army of Portal Beasts as soon as possible to stay competitive.
  • One-on-one fights are weighted in Griselma's favor, but if you allow yourself to be outnumbered and you're going to die. Try to keep fights as evenly matched as possible.
  • Because Griselma can be dominated pretty fast, you need to stay on the edge of combat to get out as quick as possible.
  • Kite enemies! Engage them, and then move away to not only weaken the group fighting dynamic for your allies, but to establish a one-on-one fight.
  • Griselma is a hard hero to fight as. You'll start to understand what enemies you can fight against, and over time, you'll learn the value of your limited escape skills, but until then, just get a feel for distance combat when you're first starting out.
    • Portal Beast have so much use in combat as you should use them both aggressively and defensively.
    • They also prioritize her target so attack the enemy he want to deal the most damage to.
    • Using either version of her basic attack (LMB/RT) gives the Portal Beasts double attack speed, and they will turn to face and track Griselma's target. This lasts for about half a second after an enemy was last struck
    • Once a Portal Beast dies, it's cooldown is reset to 10 so place it wisely.
    • You can have 2 Portal Beasts at a time so make them count.
    • Try to keep track of the order your Portal Beasts were summoned in, so that when one gets low you can resummon it since Portal Beast will be on the same cooldown anyway.
    • Portal Beasts dealing damage will keep you in combat, stopping you from naturally regenerating health and using stamina to jump/sprint. Keep an eye on both your combat indicator above your Focus, and on your health/stamina to avoid being caught out due to this.
    • Griselma has so little movement so use her displacement ability when your HEALTH
      Special resource which represents hero's or creature's life pool, measuring for how long they are able to remain in fight.
      The amount of health is varied between characters. One segment of green bar represents 500 health points. Additional to it resources are TEMPORARY HEALTH (dark green) and SHIELD (light green).
      Taking DAMAGE and using some of the skills reduce health. When health bar reaches 0, hero is defeated and returned to the Airship, while creature just dies.
      Health can be recovered from various sources, while being OUT OF COMBAT slowly regenerates it.
      is is extremely low.
    • When you are in the portal, you move extremely slowly so get ready to once you enter the battlefield again.
  • With the Touch of the Master upgrade, this move can be used to animation cancel. This makes up for the slow movement speed that Griselma has while using the ability.
  • While in her portal, Griselma can not be damaged by debuffs. It cleanses on entering, think ahead when fighting enemies with lots of debuff damage like Charnok and Ramsay to get rid of their damage after their cooldowns are spent.
  • [F/LS+RT],[LMB/RT] THE ABYSS, Griselma's FOCUS
    Special resource that is accumulated and stored throughout every match, and can be used to unleash a FOCUS ABILITY, or upgrade young creatures to powerful adults.
    Focus requires to build up FOCUS CHARGES (maximum 3) before it can be used. They can be accumulated by dealing damage to enemies, healing allies, taking damage, and sometimes after being defeated and sent to the Airship.
    ability, is capable of dealing enough damage to cause a wound to the enemy guardian if time properly as it could be destroyed easily.
