Griselma - Lore

From Gigantic Wiki

Griselma is a playable Hero in Gigantic. She is a middle ranged hero and playing with portals is her job. She was first revealed at PAX South 2015.

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“You know the truth: when she was among us, she was stubborn, caustic, and quick to take offense at the slightest criticism. Yet I shudder to think of the secrets she kept when she left us.”

— The Silent Singer, House Melkior [1]



  • Reach Out: Griselma's staff has a mind of its own, but it's learned to keep its thoughts to itself.[1]
  • Portal Beast: Her students whisper that each portal beast was a former pupil who annoyed Griselma one too many times.[1]
  • Rift Zone: “The worst part was that before the hand grabbed me, I'd swear it winked!” – Sergeant Koltroon, House Aurion [1]
  • Displacement: Over the decades, dozens have willingly stepped into Griselma's portals. But only Griselma has ever emerged again.[1]
  • The Abyss: For a time, noble families with "willful" children could contact House Melkior, who would send Griselma to be the last nanny they'd ever need.[1]
  • The Sorcerer III: “Getting older is nothing to be shy about! Though clearly she doesn't agree.” – Griselma

See also in:
