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Imani is a playable hero in Gigantic. She is a far ranged shooter who utilizes her giant crossbow to snipe her enemies. She was first announced at PAX 2014.

Sneaky sniper
Even among the renowned Tahiri mercenaries, Imani is famed for uncommon skill and leadership.
One full segment of in-game health bar represents 500 health points.
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by 1% to 1 point of armor.
Heroes with light armor have 15 points of FRONT ARMOR and 7 points of BACK ARMOR.
Heroes with heavy armor have 25 points of FRONT ARMOR and 18 points of BACK ARMOR.
Base speed value. Heroes can move faster by SPRINTING, JUMPING or DODGING, sometimes at the cost of STAMINA.



Basic attack
Base DAMAGE value, per bolt, on close and middle distance.
Against heroes with LIGHT ARMOR:
Front: ?
Back: ?
Against heroes with HEAVY ARMOR:
Front: ?
Back: ?

Base RANGE value. 80m
Fires bursts of 3 shots.
Fires bursts of 3 shots.
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Heavy Cable
Hit and Run
Unscoped shots deal more DAMAGE BOOST
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
. (+10%)
Each unscoped shot hit gives you a small SPEED BOOST
Increases the speed of hero by a percent determined by the skill applying it.
speed boost
. (Maximum: +10%, 3s)
Quick Loader Steel-Tipped Bolts In the Groove Stopping Power
Reload and fire unscoped shots 20% faster.
Unscoped shots pierce through enemies and build FOCUS
Special resource that is accumulated and stored throughout every match, and can be used to unleash a FOCUS ABILITY, or upgrade young creatures to powerful adults.
Focus requires to build up FOCUS CHARGES (maximum 3) before it can be used. They can be accumulated by dealing damage to enemies, healing allies, taking damage, and sometimes after being defeated and sent to the Airship.
Hits increase your SPEED BOOST
Increases the speed of hero by a percent determined by the skill applying it.
movement speed
even more. (Maximum: +30%, 3s)
[Q/LB],[LMB/RT]: With [Q/LB] SPECIAL AMMO, unscoped shots PUSH
Knocks enemies back. This does not stop them from using skills.
enemies from close range.
Right path
Hit and Run
Each unscoped shot hit gives you a small SPEED BOOST
Increases the speed of hero by a percent determined by the skill applying it.
speed boost
. (Maximum: +10%, 3s)
In the Groove Stopping Power
Hits increase your SPEED BOOST
Increases the speed of hero by a percent determined by the skill applying it.
movement speed
even more. (Maximum: +30%, 3s)
[Q/LB],[LMB/RT]: With [Q/LB] SPECIAL AMMO, unscoped shots PUSH
Knocks enemies back. This does not stop them from using skills.
enemies from close range.
Base DAMAGE value, per shot, on charge levels 1/2.
Against heroes with LIGHT ARMOR:
Front: ?
Back: ?
Against heroes with HEAVY ARMOR:
Front: ?
Back: ?

Base RANGE value. 150m
Zoom in for single shots. (100% CRITICAL HITS
Every Hero's crit chance defaults to 0.01%. Landing hits with primary attack will increase crit chance up to a maximum of 100%. Primary attacks are the only attacks that build and benefit from crit damage, though certain upgrades will allow some secondary skills to help build or modify your crit chance.
Failing to land hits with primary attack will cause crit chance to rapidly decay back to its default value.
Wait for increased DAMAGE BOOST
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
Zoom in for single shots. (100% CRITICAL HITS
Every Hero's crit chance defaults to 0.01%. Landing hits with primary attack will increase crit chance up to a maximum of 100%. Primary attacks are the only attacks that build and benefit from crit damage, though certain upgrades will allow some secondary skills to help build or modify your crit chance.
Failing to land hits with primary attack will cause crit chance to rapidly decay back to its default value.
Wait for increased DAMAGE BOOST
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
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On The Mark
[RMB/LT],[LMB/RT]: After a scoped 2x charged hit, DAMAGE BOOST
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
bonus starts at 2x. (Can charge up to 3x)
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
for 1x charged shots. (Scope does not zoom in as far)
Vital Organs Dialed In Combat Sniper Sniper Superiority
[RMB/LT],[LMB/RT]: Scoped shots have 50% ARMOR PIERCE
Deals DAMAGE while ignoring target's ARMOR on certain percentage.
armor penetration
[RMB/LT],[LMB/RT]: After a scoped 3x charged hit, DAMAGE BOOST
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
bonus starts at 3x.
[RMB/LT],[LMB/RT]: After a scoped shot, reload and fire 20% faster.
Increases the speed of hero by a percent determined by the skill applying it.
movement speed
while scoped.
[RMB/LT],[LMB/RT]: After a scoped shot using [Q/LB] SPECIAL AMMO, gain front DEFLECTION
Deflects incoming projectiles away in random directions from the source of deflection.
. (1s)
Right path
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
for 1x charged shots. (Scope does not zoom in as far)
Combat Sniper Sniper Superiority
[RMB/LT],[LMB/RT]: After a scoped shot, reload and fire 20% faster.
Increases the speed of hero by a percent determined by the skill applying it.
movement speed
while scoped.
[RMB/LT],[LMB/RT]: After a scoped shot using [Q/LB] SPECIAL AMMO, gain front DEFLECTION
Deflects incoming projectiles away in random directions from the source of deflection.
. (1s)
Q / LB
Default ability COOLDOWN. 15s
Base DAMAGE value, per arrow, on close and middle distance (unscopped).
Against heroes with LIGHT ARMOR:
Front: ?
Back: ?
Against heroes with HEAVY ARMOR:
Front: ?
Back: ?

Deals damage over time.
Boom Bolts add 20% DAMAGE BOOST
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
and apply BURN
Deals damage over time.
to your next 3 [LMB/RT] AUTOBOLT attacks.
Boom Bolts add 20% DAMAGE BOOST
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
and apply BURN
Deals damage over time.
to your next 3 [LMB/RT] AUTOBOLT attacks.
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Die in a Fire
Frosted Tips
[Q/LB],[LMB/RT]: Burning lasts twice as long. (2s)
[Q/LB],[LMB/RT]: Your next 3 attacks inflict FREEZE
Reduces movement speed by 20% and damages enemies over time.
DEEP FREEZE and FULL FREEZE are more powerful.
. (2s)
Blast Radius All In Chill to the Bone Freeze Tag
[Q/LB],[LMB/RT]: On hit, shots affect foes near your target. Gain FOCUS
Special resource that is accumulated and stored throughout every match, and can be used to unleash a FOCUS ABILITY, or upgrade young creatures to powerful adults.
Focus requires to build up FOCUS CHARGES (maximum 3) before it can be used. They can be accumulated by dealing damage to enemies, healing allies, taking damage, and sometimes after being defeated and sent to the Airship.
for each enemy hit.
[Q/LB],[LMB/RT]: Get only one shot, but deals +60% DAMAGE BOOST
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
and PUSH
Knocks enemies back. This does not stop them from using skills.
[Q/LB],[LMB/RT]: Hitting a frozen foe inflicts FREEZE
Reduces movement speed by 20% and damages enemies over time.
DEEP FREEZE and FULL FREEZE are more powerful.
deep freeze
Hitting a deep frozen foe inflicts FREEZE
Reduces movement speed by 20% and damages enemies over time.
DEEP FREEZE and FULL FREEZE are more powerful.
full freeze
(3s of SLOW
Reduces movement speed by 20%.
MAJOR SLOW (30%) and MASSIVE SLOW (60%) are more powerful.
extreme slow
[Q/LB],[LMB/RT]: Increases freeze duration by 1s. Enemies hit also FREEZE
Reduces movement speed by 20% and damages enemies over time.
DEEP FREEZE and FULL FREEZE are more powerful.
Right path
Frosted Tips
[Q/LB],[LMB/RT]: Your next 3 attacks inflict FREEZE
Reduces movement speed by 20% and damages enemies over time.
DEEP FREEZE and FULL FREEZE are more powerful.
. (2s)
Chill to the Bone Freeze Tag
[Q/LB],[LMB/RT]: Hitting a frozen foe inflicts FREEZE
Reduces movement speed by 20% and damages enemies over time.
DEEP FREEZE and FULL FREEZE are more powerful.
deep freeze
Hitting a deep frozen foe inflicts FREEZE
Reduces movement speed by 20% and damages enemies over time.
DEEP FREEZE and FULL FREEZE are more powerful.
full freeze
(3s of SLOW
Reduces movement speed by 20%.
MAJOR SLOW (30%) and MASSIVE SLOW (60%) are more powerful.
extreme slow
[Q/LB],[LMB/RT]: Increases freeze duration by 1s. Enemies hit also FREEZE
Reduces movement speed by 20% and damages enemies over time.
DEEP FREEZE and FULL FREEZE are more powerful.
E / RB
Default ability COOLDOWN. 13s
Base DAMAGE value.
Against heroes with LIGHT ARMOR:
Front: ?
Back: ?
Against heroes with HEAVY ARMOR:
Front: ?
Back: ?

Base TARGET RANGE value; base RADIUS of impact: ?m. 15m
Lobbed projectile: Creates a cloud that STEALTH
Makes hero invisible to enemies, creatures, and Guardians.
Damage indicators and debuffs will still display when striking a stealthed hero.
Invisible heroes also will be shown on the minimap by anything that reveals enemies, such as the vision radius of the Cerberuses.
you and nearby allies and WEAKNESS
Reduces outgoing damage by 25%.
MAJOR WEAKNESS (50%) and EXTREME WEAKNESS (75%) are more powerful.
enemies. (-25% damage, 2s)
Lobbed projectile: Creates a cloud that STEALTH
Makes hero invisible to enemies, creatures, and Guardians.
Damage indicators and debuffs will still display when striking a stealthed hero.
Invisible heroes also will be shown on the minimap by anything that reveals enemies, such as the vision radius of the Cerberuses.
you and nearby allies and WEAKNESS
Reduces outgoing damage by 25%.
MAJOR WEAKNESS (50%) and EXTREME WEAKNESS (75%) are more powerful.
enemies. (-25% damage, 2s)
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Choking Gas
Vertical Evasion
Enemies hit are DAZE
Interrupts and prevents skill usage for the duration of the daze.
JUMP,[E/RB]: While jumping, JUMP HIGHER
Increases the height of all jumps when affected by the skill.
yourself through the air. (+5s cooldown if you launch yourself.)
Debilitating Haze Smoke Screen Leave Your Problems Behind Adrenaline Rush
Reduces outgoing damage by 25%.
MAJOR WEAKNESS (50%) and EXTREME WEAKNESS (75%) are more powerful.
is even stronger. (-50% damage, 2s)
You and your allies inside the cloud gain 100% CRITICAL HITS
Every Hero's crit chance defaults to 0.01%. Landing hits with primary attack will increase crit chance up to a maximum of 100%. Primary attacks are the only attacks that build and benefit from crit damage, though certain upgrades will allow some secondary skills to help build or modify your crit chance.
Failing to land hits with primary attack will cause crit chance to rapidly decay back to its default value.
crit chance
Removes any debuffs and prevents debuffs from being reapplied for a period of time (up to 4 seconds).
when launching through the air.
JUMP,[E/RB]: Launch farther and gain +50% SPEED BOOST
Increases the speed of hero by a percent determined by the skill applying it.
move speed
. (3s)
Right path
Vertical Evasion
JUMP,[E/RB]: While jumping, JUMP HIGHER
Increases the height of all jumps when affected by the skill.
yourself through the air. (+5s cooldown if you launch yourself.)
Leave Your Problems Behind Adrenaline Rush
Removes any debuffs and prevents debuffs from being reapplied for a period of time (up to 4 seconds).
when launching through the air.
JUMP,[E/RB]: Launch farther and gain +50% SPEED BOOST
Increases the speed of hero by a percent determined by the skill applying it.
move speed
. (3s)
 Focus ability
Base DAMAGE value, on first bolt; FOCUS POINTS determinate bonus damage for second bolt: +162/216/270; third bolt gets doubled amount of said bonus damage.
Against heroes with LIGHT ARMOR:
Against heroes with HEAVY ARMOR:

Base RANGE value. 150m
Zoom and load 3 fully charged rounds. (6s)
Press [LMB/RT] to fire. Focus Tiers: +30/40/50% DAMAGE BOOST
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
per hit.
Zoom and load 3 fully charged rounds. (6s)
Press [LMB/RT] to fire. Focus Tiers: +30/40/50% DAMAGE BOOST
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
per hit.
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Battle Fury
Gain 10% FOCUS
Special resource that is accumulated and stored throughout every match, and can be used to unleash a FOCUS ABILITY, or upgrade young creatures to powerful adults.
Focus requires to build up FOCUS CHARGES (maximum 3) before it can be used. They can be accumulated by dealing damage to enemies, healing allies, taking damage, and sometimes after being defeated and sent to the Airship.
for each kill or death.
Gives character a chance to completely avoid incoming attack and gain invulnerability for a brief moment (does not apply to damage from ground effects or debuffs).
One dodge always costs 25 points of STAMINA. When stamina bar reaches 0, hero still can dodge, but will lost chance to gain invulnerability.
Melee Heroes also gain a special attack by using their primary attack after dodging at the cost of additional stamina, but charging forward and deal damage.
costs 20% less STAMINA
Special resource which allows hero to sprint, dodge, jump, and utilize powerful dodge and sprint attacks.
By default all heroes have 100 points of stamina.
While SPRINT and JUMPS consume stamina gradually when player is IN COMBAT, DODGE always cost 25 points (one segment of blue bar).
Heroes OUT OF COMBAT slowly regenerate their stamina when they don't move actively.
Concentration Shredder Fringe Benefits Tactical Awareness
Special resource that is accumulated and stored throughout every match, and can be used to unleash a FOCUS ABILITY, or upgrade young creatures to powerful adults.
Focus requires to build up FOCUS CHARGES (maximum 3) before it can be used. They can be accumulated by dealing damage to enemies, healing allies, taking damage, and sometimes after being defeated and sent to the Airship.
20% faster.
[F/LS+RT],[LMB/RT]: After hitting with your FOCUS, basic attacks have 30% ARMOR PIERCE
Deals DAMAGE while ignoring target's ARMOR on certain percentage.
armor penetration
. (Lasts until you die)
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by 1% to 1 point of armor. Each hero has a base amount of armor that can be increased temporarily through skills and upgrades. Armored heroes have 25 Armor, while other heroes have 15 Armor.
when you are hit from long or medium range.
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by a certain percentage, as determined by the skill that applies the reduction.
damage reduction
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
Doing DAMAGE to an enemy from behind will deal an additional 10% damage.
For melee heroes, a JUMP attack that hits an enemy in the back will deal even MORE DAMAGE and apply CRIPPLE to the target.
Right path
Gives character a chance to completely avoid incoming attack and gain invulnerability for a brief moment (does not apply to damage from ground effects or debuffs).
One dodge always costs 25 points of STAMINA. When stamina bar reaches 0, hero still can dodge, but will lost chance to gain invulnerability.
Melee Heroes also gain a special attack by using their primary attack after dodging at the cost of additional stamina, but charging forward and deal damage.
costs 20% less STAMINA
Special resource which allows hero to sprint, dodge, jump, and utilize powerful dodge and sprint attacks.
By default all heroes have 100 points of stamina.
While SPRINT and JUMPS consume stamina gradually when player is IN COMBAT, DODGE always cost 25 points (one segment of blue bar).
Heroes OUT OF COMBAT slowly regenerate their stamina when they don't move actively.
Fringe Benefits Tactical Awareness
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by 1% to 1 point of armor. Each hero has a base amount of armor that can be increased temporarily through skills and upgrades. Armored heroes have 25 Armor, while other heroes have 15 Armor.
when you are hit from long or medium range.
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by a certain percentage, as determined by the skill that applies the reduction.
damage reduction
Increases outgoing DAMAGE dealt by skills.
Doing DAMAGE to an enemy from behind will deal an additional 10% damage.
For melee heroes, a JUMP attack that hits an enemy in the back will deal even MORE DAMAGE and apply CRIPPLE to the target.


Stay on Target
[RMB/LT]: SILENT SCOPE shots have no recoil.

Special resource that is accumulated and stored throughout every match, and can be used to unleash a FOCUS ABILITY, or upgrade young creatures to powerful adults.
Focus requires to build up FOCUS CHARGES (maximum 3) before it can be used. They can be accumulated by dealing damage to enemies, healing allies, taking damage, and sometimes after being defeated and sent to the Airship.
boost for consecutive hits. (Maximum: 2x after 10 hits)
Secret Stash
[Q/LB]: Use SPECIAL AMMO more often. (-2s cooldown)

CLASH: Additional -2s cooldown.
Fog of War
Makes hero invisible to enemies, creatures, and Guardians.
Damage indicators and debuffs will still display when striking a stealthed hero.
Invisible heroes also will be shown on the minimap by anything that reveals enemies, such as the vision radius of the Cerberuses.
is increased to 2s.

Reduces incoming DAMAGE by a certain percentage, as determined by the skill that applies the reduction.
damage resistance
from stealth.


Imani is easily one of the most powerful heroes in Gigantic, but she requires a player who knows how to best utilize her to unlock her true power. While on paper she is untouchable in terms of damage, she dies extremely quickly even with good support. Accordingly, as long as you keep Imani moving, snipe from different locations, and do your best to control the crowd, she's super powerful. Her [RMB/LT] SILENT SCOPE skill increases damage the more time you stayed zoomed in, which leads to some pretty dramatic damage if used properly and with someone who has good aim.

Tips and Tricks

  • Once you reached at least 75% HEALTH
    Special resource which represents hero's or creature's life pool, measuring for how long they are able to remain in fight.
    The amount of health is varied between characters. One segment of green bar represents 500 health points. Additional to it resources are TEMPORARY HEALTH (dark green) and SHIELD (light green).
    Taking DAMAGE and using some of the skills reduce health. When health bar reaches 0, hero is defeated and returned to the Airship, while creature just dies.
    Health can be recovered from various sources, while being OUT OF COMBAT slowly regenerates it.
    , escape as Imani has little movement.
  • Preserve your STAMINA
    Special resource which allows hero to sprint, dodge, jump, and utilize powerful dodge and sprint attacks.
    By default all heroes have 100 points of stamina.
    While SPRINT and JUMPS consume stamina gradually when player is IN COMBAT, DODGE always cost 25 points (one segment of blue bar).
    Heroes OUT OF COMBAT slowly regenerate their stamina when they don't move actively.
    as best you can, because you're going to need it as the fast moving unit of your team.
  • Use [LMB/RT] AUTOBOLTS instead of [RMB/LT] SILENT SCOPE, as your scope limits your vision and movement. Only using your scope when you need the distance is a great way to make yourself more useful.
  • Your attacks are all based on line of sight, so get right into the fray as soon as you can.
  • Imani can be taken out really easily by assassins and other shooters, so use Frost Bolt (upgrade of [Q/LB] SPECIAL AMMO) and [E/RB] SMOKE BOMB whenever you see the threat coming.
    Special resource that is accumulated and stored throughout every match, and can be used to unleash a FOCUS ABILITY, or upgrade young creatures to powerful adults.
    Focus requires to build up FOCUS CHARGES (maximum 3) before it can be used. They can be accumulated by dealing damage to enemies, healing allies, taking damage, and sometimes after being defeated and sent to the Airship.
    ability, allows you to shoot 3 massive shots so make all three hit and do not wait as well as her focus has a timer.
    • Special bolts could deal small area damage which could take out multiple enemies at the same time.
    • BURN
      Deals damage over time.
      is super useful, and can really keep pressure on enemies over time. You can also use it to augment damage against tanks, because as they see their health moving, they're going to move further out from the center.
    • Smoke bomb actually WEAKNESS
      Reduces outgoing damage by 25%.
      MAJOR WEAKNESS (50%) and EXTREME WEAKNESS (75%) are more powerful.
      enemies if made contact so use that in the heat of combat to give your team an advantage.
    • JUMP
      Lets hero to get up platforms, over ledges, across gaps, and away from enemies.
      OUT OF COMBAT jumping is free, but after entering COMBAT it begins to consume STAMINA by portions.
      When stamina bar reaches 0, hero will perform short-hops instead of jumps.
      Melee Heroes also gain a special attack by using their primary attack after jumping, which consumes additional stamina, but hitting an enemy IN THE BACK will apply CRIPPLE.
      before using the upgraded Smoke Bomb for better survivability.