January update

From Gigantic Wiki
(Redirected from Final update)
This article is about content released in the update; for patch notes see: January 31, 2018 Patch

January update was an update released in the January 31, 2018 Patch.

It was stated to be the final update for Gigantic before its servers were discontinued on July 31, 2018.[1]



New HeroT-MAT

  • “T-MAT's squad left her to rust, broken. She rose out of the canyon with a new intelligence she didn't recognize, suffering from injuries she didn't remember. Now she wanders the realm fighting for the answers she deserves.”[2]


New creatures:


Hero skins

  • Rare desert themed skins for Imani
  • Rare desert themed skins for Tripp

Legendary Ember Grove themed weapon skins – Heart of The Grove
