
From Gigantic Wiki
Revision as of 11:12, 17 November 2017 by MtMB (talk | contribs) (minor)
Template documentation follows
Note: the template above may sometimes be partially or fully invisible.
Visit Template:HeroSkill/doc to edit this documentation. (How does this work?)
This template creates a block about hero's skill, with upgrades placed into collapsible part, hidden by default. It must be used on primary pages about hero (see: Category:Heroes).
Template uses subtemplates Template:HeroSkill/header and Template:HeroSkill/stats, and Extension:TemplateStyles; for styles see Template:HeroSkill/styles.css.
Copy and fill the following code:
|hero = 
|name = 
|order = <1-5>
<!---- stats ----->
|cd = <cooldown in seconds>
|heal = <healing value>
|dmg = <damage value>
|lf = <light armor front>
|lb = <light armor back>
|hf = <heavy armor front>
|hb = <heavy armor back>
|dmgnote = <additional note on damage>
|range = <range/distance value or description>
|more = <additional stat>
|time = <duration>
<!---- description ----->
|desc = 
|descadd = 
<!---- upgrades ----->
<!---- tier 1 left ---->
|L = 
|l = 
|lt = 
<!---- tier 1 right ---->
|R = 
|r = 
|rt = 
<!---- tier 2 left/left ---->
|LL = 
|ll = 
|llt = 
<!---- tier 2 left/right ---->
|LR = 
|lr = 
|lrt = 
<!---- tier 2 right/left ---->
|RL = 
|rl = 
|rlt = 
<!---- tier 2 right/right ---->
|RR = 
|rr = 
|rrt = 
  • order defines skill's icon, keyboard/gamepad binding and type, and is used to apply collapsed parts with upgrades correctly
    • 1 is for basic attack, it adds corresponding note
    • 2, 3 and 4 provide only keyboard/gamepad bindings
    • 5 is for focus ability, adds corresponding note
  • Most of stat parameters require only numerical values; detailed damage info is presented as tooltip
  • For cases when second ability doesn't have cooldown, and is not counted as basic attack, type cd = 0, then damage or healing parameters if needed (examples: Ezren Ghal, Imani).
  • For very rare cases when first ability is about healing, while second is an actual basic attack (example: Vadasi):
    • in first skill fill only heal parameter
    • in second skill leave cd blank but fill dmg and admg
  • Upgrade parameters:
    • Capital letters parameters, like L and RR, are for titles
    • Lowercase ones, like l and rr, are for descriptions
    • Lowercase parameters ending with "t" are for upgrade type icons, which are:
Usage example
|hero = Vadasi
|name = RAY OF LIGHT
|order = 1
|heal = 75HP/s
|range = 11m
|desc = '''HOLD [LMB/RT]:''' Healing beam.{{*}}{{buff|heal|Heals}} allies, +75HP/s for beam duration.
|descadd = '''EMPOWERED LIGHT'''<br>'''[E/RB], HOLD [LMB/RT]:''' Empowered healing beam, consumes orbs.{{*}}{{buff|heal|Heals}} allies, +150HP/s till end of charged orb duration.{{*}}Every {{timer}}3s, consumes one orb.
<!---- tier 1 left ---->
|L = Succour
|lt = strength
|l = '''[E/RB], HOLD [LMB/RT]:''' Increases {{buff|heal|healing}} per orb.{{*}}{{heal}}+170/190/210HP/s
<!---- tier 1 right ---->
|R = Light of Judgment
|rt = attack
|r = While healing ally, deals {{term|dmg|damage}} to an enemy within 5m.{{*}}'''HOLD [LMB/RT]:''' {{dmg}}10dmg per tick (0.25s).{{*}}'''[E/RB], HOLD [LMB/RT]:''' {{dmg}}20dmg per tick (0.25s) with orbs.
<!---- tier 2 left/left ---->
|LL = Righteous Defenses
|llt = strength
|ll = '''[E/RB], HOLD [LMB/RT]:''' Healing with orbs gives +15{{term|armor}} to targeted allies for {{dur}}0.5s.
<!---- tier 2 left/right ---->
|LR = Life Transfer
|lrt = strength
|lr = ⬩ Increases {{buff|heal|healing}} (without orbs): +125HP/s{{*}}Sacrifice own {{term|hp|health}}: -75HP/s.
<!---- tier 2 right/left ---->
|RL = Contrast
|rlt = attack
|rl = {{MiniSkill|Vadasi|2|SMITE}} gains +2% {{term|crit}} chance.
<!---- tier 2 right/right ---->
|RR = Determination
|rrt = strength
|rr = '''[E/RB], HOLD [LMB/RT]:''' Damaging enemies with orbs gains +15% front to own front {{buff|lowdmg|damage reduction}}.}}
 I Default amount of healing from ability. 75HP/s
File:VadasiLM.png HOLD [LMB/RT]: Healing beam.
Provides HEALTH every second. The amount is determined by the source of the healing.
allies, +75HP/s for beam duration.
Show/Hide upgrades
{{{name-l}}} {{{name-r}}}
{{{skill-l}}} {{{skill-r}}}
{{{name-ll}}} {{{name-lr}}} {{{name-rl}}} {{{name-rr}}}
{{{skill-ll}}} {{{skill-lr}}} {{{skill-rl}}} {{{skill-rr}}}
Other examples (need to be updated - see Vadasi for up to date examples)


FangE / RB
 I Default damage against lightly armored enemies. 75 I 
File:Tyto the SwiftE.png Fang attacks enemies at target area.
Deals 75 ARMOR
Reduces incoming DAMAGE by 1% to 1 point of armor. Each hero has a base amount of armor that can be increased temporarily through skills and upgrades. Armored heroes have 25 Armor, while other heroes have 15 Armor.
-ignoring DAMAGE
Decreases target's HEALTH or SHIELD with successful attacks and leads to target's death after its health bar reaches 0.
. Fang's attacks deal BLEED
Deals armor-ignoring damage over time.
damage, 30dmg/s for 5s.
Show/Hide upgrades
{{{name-l}}} {{{name-r}}}
{{{skill-l}}} {{{skill-r}}}
{{{name-ll}}} {{{name-lr}}} {{{name-rl}}} {{{name-rr}}}
{{{skill-ll}}} {{{skill-lr}}} {{{skill-rl}}} {{{skill-rr}}}

|hero = Xenobia
|name = Gaze of Envy
|order = 1
|dmg = 26
|lf = 22
|lb = 24
|hf = 19
|hb = 21
|dmgnote = per tick (0.1s)
|range = 11m
|more = {{term|steal|0}}25 HP/s
|desc = '''HOLD [LMB/RT]:''' Beam absorbs enemy {{term|health}}. {{buff|heal|Heals}} self, +25HP/s.
<!---- tier 1 left ---->
|L = Greedy Gaze
|l = Drain more {{buff|regen|health}}. ''(+25 HP/s)''
<!---- tier 2 left/left ---->
|LL = Survival of the Cruelest
|ll = When your health is below 50%, drain 50% more {{buff|regen|health}}.
<!---- tier 2 left/right ---->
|LR = Domineering Glare
|lr = When your health is above 50%, deal more <br>{{buff|dmg|damage}}. ''(+25% dmg)''
<!---- tier 1 right ---->
|R = Withering Gaze
|r = While attached, inflicts {{debuff|weak|weakness}}. ''(1s duration)''
<!---- tier 2 right/left ---->
|RL = Sap Strength
|rl = {{debuff|weak|Weakness}} becomes stronger as you continue to hit the same enemy. ''(Maximum: -50% damage.)''
<!---- tier 2 right/right ---->
|RR = Siphon Strength
|rr =Allies near your target gain +15% basic attack <br>{{buff|dmg|damage}} for 1s. <br>Does not effect self.}}
Gaze of EnvyLMB / RT
 I Default damage against lightly armored enemies. 26 I 
File:XenobiaLM.png HOLD: Beam absorbs enemy HEALTH
Special resource which represents hero's or creature's life pool, measuring for how long they are able to remain in fight.
The amount of health is varied between characters. One segment of green bar represents 500 health points. Additional to it resources are TEMPORARY HEALTH (dark green) and SHIELD (light green).
Taking DAMAGE and using some of the skills reduce health. When health bar reaches 0, hero is defeated and returned to the Airship, while creature just dies.
Health can be recovered from various sources, while being OUT OF COMBAT slowly regenerates it.
Provides HEALTH every second. The amount is determined by the source of the healing.
self, +25HP/s.
Show/Hide upgrades
{{{name-l}}} {{{name-r}}}
{{{skill-l}}} {{{skill-r}}}
{{{name-ll}}} {{{name-lr}}} {{{name-rl}}} {{{name-rr}}}
{{{skill-ll}}} {{{skill-lr}}} {{{skill-rl}}} {{{skill-rr}}}


Attractor BeamRMB / LT
 I Default damage against lightly armored enemies. 15 I 
File:MozuRM.png HOLD: Beam attack that SLOW
Reduces movement speed by 20%.
MAJOR SLOW (30%) and MASSIVE SLOW (60%) are more powerful.
Show/Hide upgrades
{{{name-l}}} {{{name-r}}}
{{{skill-l}}} {{{skill-r}}}
{{{name-ll}}} {{{name-lr}}} {{{name-rl}}} {{{name-rr}}}
{{{skill-ll}}} {{{skill-lr}}} {{{skill-rl}}} {{{skill-rr}}}


Air StrikeF,LMB / LS+RT,RT
 I Default damage against lightly armored enemies. 250/325/400 I 
File:BeckettF.png Target an area on the ground. A series of 3 missiles is fired at that location.
Show/Hide upgrades
{{{name-l}}} {{{name-r}}}
{{{skill-l}}} {{{skill-r}}}
{{{name-ll}}} {{{name-lr}}} {{{name-rl}}} {{{name-rr}}}
{{{skill-ll}}} {{{skill-lr}}} {{{skill-rl}}} {{{skill-rr}}}