
From Gigantic Wiki
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This template formats text to correspond to a crowd control status effect. It adds an icon and tooltip with description of effect and will colorize visible text accordingly.
Template uses Template:Tooltip.
Type: {{CC|<code>|<text>}}
If text is not provided template will use code (depending on the case it might be easier).
Bellow is a table with available codes (parameters) and examples of usage:
Parameter Example code Result
slow {{CC|slow|slowing}} SLOW
Reduces movement speed by 20%.
MAJOR SLOW (30%) and MASSIVE SLOW (60%) are more powerful.
immobil {{CC|immobil|immobilized}} IMMOBILIZE
Interrupts any skills currently in use and prevents movement. Enemies can still use skills while immobilized.
cripple {{CC|cripple|cripples}} CRIPPLE
Reduces movement speed by 40% and limits jump height.
interrupt {{CC|interrupt|interrupting}} INTERRUPT
Disrupts any skills in use and very briefly slows the target's movement.
daze {{CC|daze|dazes}} DAZE
Interrupts and prevents skill usage for the duration of the daze.
stun {{CC|stun|stuns}} STUN
Interrupts and prevents skill usage and movement for the duration of the stun.
disable {{CC|disable|disabling}} DISABLE
Prevents all action, as well as any incoming damage not applied by the skill.
push {{CC|push|pushes}} PUSH
Knocks enemies back. This does not stop them from using skills.
knock {{CC|knock|knock up}} KNOCK UP
Knocks enemies up a short distance. This does not stop them from using skills.
knock up
launch {{CC|launch|launched}} LAUNCH
Knocks enemies up, interrupting any skills in use and preventing any further skill usage or movement until they land.
pull {{CC|pull}} PULL
Pulls an enemy to hero's location, interrupting any skills in use and preventing any further skill usage or movement by the enemy while they're being pulled.
morph {{CC|morph|morphing}} POLYMORPH
Turns an enemy into a snail. Prevents the use of skills and reduces movement speed.
See also