
From Gigantic Wiki
This article is about content released in the update; for patch notes see: August 15, 2017 Patch

Corruption was an update released in the August 15, 2017 Patch.

It is first thematic update after official release of Gigantic in July 20, 2017.



New HeroOru

“Oru, also known as ‘The Fortune Teller,’ is a mid-range damage dealer who shines in teamfights. His kit revolves around his ability to combo between his skills - dealing high damage while also providing utility to the team in the form of crowd control or the ability to peel away from a fight.”[1]



“The much anticipated Push-To-Talk feature is now available! This will default to ON for PC players, and lets you set a new push-to-talk key via the 'Keybindings' menu (default keybinding is 'X').” [1]

Custom lobbies (Beta)

“Introducing the beta version of custom lobbies! This feature allows teams to arrange 5v5 matches without requiring them to enter the general matchmaking pool. As a beta feature, the goal was to implement the system in a way that would allow us to quickly introduce it into the game while continuing to work on the feature behind the scenes. As such, it's worth a brief explanation of how you'll setup your own custom lobbies!” [1]
Note: “Custom matches do not affect player progression such as badges, prestige, fortune cards, etc. and do not award currency. They also do not affect your skill rating or inflict penalties.” [1]


Devaedra themed skins:

15 August – Oru
22 August – Xenobia
29 August – Lord Knossos
5 September – Mozu


Promotional screenshots


Gigantic Corruption Update Preview VOD

Gigantic Hero Overview - Oru

Xenobia - Acolyte Skin

Gigantic Lord Knossos - Into the Rift

Gigantic Mozu - The Conjurer's Cabinet
