
From Gigantic Wiki

Voice lines


  • RM - Attractor beam! / Wait a sec. / Got ya. (gotcha) / Zap! / Peck!
  • Q - Spin! / Spin spin spin! / Vortex! / Wub wub wub!
  • E - Go go go (go go)! / Presto! / Pop! / Zip zap(?).
  • F - No-no-no(no-no). / Death ray! / Tut tut tu! / Zaaap! (zzzap!) / Big boom(?)!
  • ping
    • attack - Attack! / Zap'em zap'em! / Let's get'em!
    • WD - Withdraw! / Out out out! / Ah, withdraw! / Oh, leave!
    • OMW - On my way! / Up up(?) over! /
    • summon - Make creature here. / Summon here. /
  • QC
    • help - (Ah!) in troubloo! / Help! / Help! Help-help-help! / Ah, help-help-help! /
    • heal - Need healing. / Heal please! /
    • y - Yes. / Yes-tes-tes.
    • n - No! / No-no-nope!
    • tnx -(Oh) Thank you. / (Oh) You're nice! /
    • GJ - Oh-ho-oh, good job. / Bestest jobs! / Goodest jobs! / (he-he-he) You're good! / Oh, good work! / (he-he-he) Good job!
    • np - No problem. / No problemo! /
    • sorry - Woc-woc, sorry. / I'm bad. Sorry! / Oh, my oops. / Sorry.
    • on it - I'm on it! / I go.
    • follow - Follow me! / Come with(?)!
    • group -
    • spread -
    • hi - Good greetings! /
    • victory -
    • taunt -
    • cry -
    • fun - So fun! / Fun-fun! / Fun(?)! / Not bad! / Hoo-hoo, zap!
    • tnx 2 - Thank you, thank you! / You all best! / Not bad!
    • more - (?) let's another! / Yay, let's go more! I wanna steal more stuff! / Go again! Go again! /
    • gg - (Oh) Good magic times. / We did good! / Good fights!
  • kill - You got zaped! / I(Mozu) did blow up! / It worked(works!). / Ha-ha-ha, na-na-na! / Na-na-na-na(a)-na! / Ha-ha, got'em! / You blew up! / I take your stuff now? / mhuhuh / oh ho-ho / I'm a(?) do that. / Sorry, not sorry! / Hi! Bye! / I'm the best shot(?)
    • shooter -
    • creature - I take your stuff now. / No creature for you!
    • bloomer - No more heals! / Bye-bye bloomer! / No more bye-bye! (???)
    • cerberus - Bad-bad puppy! / Bad dog!
    • Tripp - Tripped you!
    • Voden -
    • Charnok - Drakkor(???) / Bye drakkor! /
    • Zandora - So long mah souls(??) (might be not Zandora)
    • Uh, I meant to do that. /
    • assist - My kill! / (Ooh) I'm helping.
  • start - Weeee. / Zoom boom! / Magic time! / Mozu time!
  • respawn - Here I go. / Okay Mozu. / Try again!
  • low HP - No! / Ow ow ow. / Ow, no-no-no. / Do(?) alive.
  • lvl up - I'll take it. / I'm learning! / Ding! / Hi(?) you got a magic day(?). / I'ma best! / mhmh /
  • healed - Okay now! / Feels good! / Teamwork! / That's better.
  • circle
    • summon - Creature time. / Ta-dah!
    • summoned - He-he, cutie. / Done!
    • upgrade - Bigger bigger. / More magics. / Big critter(?).
    • upgraded - Creature up!(?) / I made this!
    • orb collect - Yuink! / I'll do it. / Here I(?) go!
    • collected - More power, okay! / Power time!
  • badges
    • guardian defender - Saved you, big monster! /
    • revenge - Ouch(?), take back(?). / Bye bye pit(?)! / I'm (?) you! / mini-mini(???)
    • protector - Very steady(?).
    • summoner - Lots of creatures. / So much summons! / Creature master!
    • star - Sticky(?) (?).
    • thief - Steal! Steal-steal-steal-steal. / Power picked(?)!
    • ghost hunter - Got you. [or Imani kill]
    • killing spree - I win. [or Tripp kill, or just kill]
  • prox
    • Voden - Hmm, you need to get happy!


  • Skills
    • LMB - Starfire! / Zing! / Burn! / Various laughter
    • RMB - Blindsighted / Mulligan? / Dealers choice / Dodge this! / Draw! / Hold on a sec!
    • Q - A straight flush / Jesters wild! / Clear the decks
    • E - Ripple effect / Rang your bell / Can't run from fate!
    • F - Fear! / Deal with this! / Shock! / I'll give you a reading! / Let me give you a reading / Doom Dooooom!
  • Low health - Ouch! / My corporeal form! / Outlook, not so good / My stars don't look so good
  • Healed - That was close / You saved my stars!
  • Last one standing - Too quiet around here / So boring / Just a single star in the sky / Hmm, Not enough mayhem.
  • Level up - The future grows ever clearer / I'm pretty good at this game / I've got more tricks up my sleeves
  • start - Surprise me! / Three cheers for entropy / Outlook good so far
  • Respawn - Finally getting interesting / This turn isn't over / Deal me in again / Deal again / Enter, Pandemonium
  • Ping
    • Attack - Attack here. / Hit where it hurts. /
    • OMW - Here I go. / On my way
    • WD - Back off! / Withdraw (sung)
    • Summon - Put it there / summon here
  • QC
    • help - An assist please? / Oh! I might need help./ Help me out here
    • heal - Need healing / I want to feel the heals! / Send me some heals
    • y - Yes, definitely / Affirmative (sung)
    • n - Not in the cards / Negative
    • tnx - Thanks / Thank you hero! / I'm very grateful
    • GJ - You impressed me / Stupendous / Well done!
    • np - Not a problem / No worries
    • sorry - Whoops / Sorry about that / oh whoopsie
    • on it - I've got it / This is my deal
    • follow - I'll lead / Follow the spinning orb! / Follow suit
    • group - Group up / Stick together
    • spread - Space out / No need to be that close
    • hi - Greetings! / Hello there / Hi
    • victory - Another victory /
    • taunt - Would you like to play a game? / Too easy to read
    • cry - Three cheers for entropy / Outlook good so far / Surprise me
    • fun - What an interesting round! / Delightfully unexpected
    • tnx 2 - Thanks a million / Thanks for playing with me
    • more - Another round? / Lets go around again / Oh deal me in again
    • gg - This was diverting / I learned much that time
  • Kill
    • Misc - Enemy gone / We all die, well some of us / Fairwell player / Tada / Delightfully unexpected / Can't run from fate / Poof! / Not impressed / huh, can't let you quit / Was that hard for you? / Byeeee~ / Even chaos picks favorites / Nuaw, Bad flop / Stardust
    • Ranged - Distance won't save you
    • Melee - Fight harder next time / You should have won that
    • Healer - Well that changes the odds / You were a problem
    • Creature - Boy were you dealt a bad hand / (Bloomers only) Easy target / Dematerialised
    • Aisling - Night Night / Momento Mori (Remember Death - Latin) / Inescapable
    • Beckett - She knew how to have fun / I'm gonna miss her
    • Pakko - Maybe next time Fluffy
    • Mozu - Keep practicing, okay? / Here one moment, gone the next
    • Tyto - Not impressive / Didn't expect that to work
    • Tripp - Can't sneak up on a seer
    • Griselma - Grandmother get up
    • Xenobia - I'll see you in the void / The mortal plight
    • Zandora - Night Knight, Get it? With a K? / (Exasperated) Night K-Night I had to throw the K in so you get the joke / Play along Zandora!
    • (Unused) - Aha!! Whoopsie~
    • Assist - Cosmic alignment / I had feeling you need help / Oh, no biggie / It just turned out way
  • Circle
    • Summon - Promise you'll do something spectacular / It must be done, I suppose / Commence construction / We need another player
    • Summoned - The task finished / Job complete / Summoning is done / Necessary but dull! / Our fate is yours, creature
    • Upgrade - Lets raise the stakes! / Who knows what your future holds / Needs to be bigger, wilder
    • Upgraded - Do what you will, beastie / Another actor in the play!
    • Orb - You know the deal / I knew this would be here / Lets see if I can tip the balance
    • Collected - Balance tipped / Yum! power tastes great / That will throw them off
  • Badges
    • Guardian Defender - A twist of fate / Bet you thought you had it huh? / It was fate!
    • Highlander - (shudder) Strange phenomena / My continuity wins / Looks like I got the high card / (sigh) It doesn't hurt that much
    • Guardian angel - Saved you (sung)
    • Revenge - You tempted fate / Paid you back / Gotcha this time / Whoops you went too far
    • Creature Defender - Don't touch my things! / ah ah! that ones mine
    • Assists -No biggie / didn't mean to but i'll take it / I had a feeling you needed help
    • Drop dead - Oh the tragic fall / Oh gravity is harsh /
    • Ring out - Have a nice trip, see you next fall / You fell for it
    • Ghost hunter - I knew you would be right there / Snooze, I've seen that trick before / So predictable
    • Penta kill - Well wheres the fun in that?
    • Power play - Right when it counts
    • Summoner - The more the messier /
    • Power thief - I saw a future where I got this one / Clearly you didn't forsee this
  • Prox
    • Charnok - You know, Knowledge is overrated?
    • Knossos - To know so little must be (so) refreshing
    • Pakko - Now you have a future worth watching / Oh! sniff sniff, you smell like destiny
    • Ramsay - So many paths, so many choices / Hm! You have potential
    • Mozu - Oh! you have more than just cards up your sleeves
    • Aisling - So small, so full of question(s) / Better come to peace with uncertainty
    • Beckett - Another lover of the unexpected
    • Ezren Ghal - Too much time in tomes, too much time in tombs / Ew, what a soul sucker!
    • Tyto - Ooh! Mysterious, I like it. / Many hope to cut your future short
    • Tripp - You're a slippery little one, aren't you?
    • Griselma - I have to HAND it to you granny
    • Margrave - Looks like you took fate into your own HAND
    • HK-206 - I know what makes you tick
    • T-MAT - So much conviction!
    • Uncle Sven - Even I dont know what some of those potions do
    • Vadasi - Your judgement is subective
    • Voden - Smile! / I see you still don't have a sense of humor
    • Zandora - Haven't you learned anything down here? / Lighten up Knight of Light.
    • Unused (Shadow Possibly) - Ooh! I like your style, very edgy!
  • Idle - (sings)
  • Unused (Mostly old ping) - Fold, I'm out / Don't summon you know better / Good place for a fight / Flush them out! / Careful / Woah! Clearing out / Need to upgrade / everybody look out


  • skills
    • reload - Reloading! / Loadin' up! / Got a bullet for you, buster! (Cannon) / Lock 'n' load!
    • RM - Eat this! / Wait for it...! / Clear! / Got ya' a gift! / Grenade out!
    • Q - Switching up!
      • pistols - Pistols loaded! / Time for some finesse.
      • cannon - Heavy fire comin' in! / I like the extra kick!
    • E - Needed a boost! / What a view! / Later boys! / Airborne! / Liftoff!
    • F - [imitates whistle as if it were dropped from the sky, then explosion] / Dropping payload! / Bombs away! / Catch this! Ya' dingbats.
  • ping
    • attack - Attack now! / Attack!
    • WD - Fall back! / Withdraw!
    • OMW - On my way! / On intercept course! / Coming to intercept!
    • summon - Get a creature here! / Summon here!
  • QC
    • help - SOS! / Mayday! / Help!
    • heal - Repairs! Repairs! / Need healing! / Running on empty! / Medic! / Patch me up, doc!
    • y - Sure. / Yes. / Yup.
    • n - No way. / Nope. / No.
    • tnx - You're the best! / Thanks pal! / Wow! Thanks! / Thanks! / I owe ya' one!
    • GJ - Good work. / Nice moves! / What a performance!
    • np - It's all good! / Don't mention it. / No worries pal!
    • sorry - I'll do better. / Sorry. / Sorry! / Sorry about that mak [short for mistake?]. / Ugh, I screwed up!
    • on it - Got it covered. / I'm on it!
    • follow - Follow my lead! / Follow my jets! / Follow me!
    • group - Form up on me! / Group up!
    • spread - Wide formation! / Spread out!
    • hi - Greetings. / Where's the party? /​​​​​​ Hey there.
    • victory - Ha, did you see that? / Ha! HA! / That has to be a new record!
    • taunt - I'd thought you'd try harder. / I'm loadin' up for another shot! (Is this a taunt?) / Outta my way! / Hope you brought a parachute! / Need a jetpack? Hahahaha. / Choke on my jets! / Waste of fuel! / Waste of ammo.
    • cry - Woohoo! / Clear skies ahead! / Blue skies await!
    • fun - Had a blast! / Havin' a blast!
    • tnx 2 - Thanks for the adventure!
    • more - OK, that needs to happen again.
    • gg - We'll go down in history for that one! / That was legendary!
  • kill
    • common
    • melee - Who on earth runs at gunfire? / That's my left hook! / The bigger they are...
    • ranged - I love a good dogfight! / My aim's better!
    • assassin - I fight fair! / Back off! / Don't get cocky.
    • support - No more supplies! / Support routed.
    • creature - Aww. / What did I just kill? / Creature destroyed! / See? My aim's not that bad!
    • Aisling - Better luck next time, kiddo. / You had guts kid.
    • Griselma - Farewell, traveler!
    • HK - You live a tool, you die a tool! / Ooh! Spare parts!
    • Knossos - Spears? So oldschool! / MOO-ove along!
    • Imani - Sorry, captain. / Light's out, Imani. / No hard feelings!
    • Tripp - Hahaha, don't blink!
    • Tyto - Don't bring a sword to a gunfight! / Gun beats sword!
    • Uncle Sven - I use your fuel formula!
    • Wu - I liked his moxie!
    • Roland (supposedly) - Your hunt is over! / Was the bounty worth it?
    • assist - You've got air support! / There's my wingman! / Gotcha covered, ace! / Help from above! / Got your six.
  • circle
    • summon - Need more soldiers! / Heeere comes backup! / Summoning ground support!
    • summoned - Hold this position! / Hey there, little-big guy! / I sure can pick 'em! / Welcome to the crew. / Don't lemme down, kay?
    • upgrade - Big target, bigger distraction. / This'll keep 'em busy.
    • upgraded - Wh-whoa! This'll help! / I know what works. / Oooh, nice.
    • orb - Engaging! / I'll nab this one!
    • collected - Got it! / No sweat, I got it! / Got the orb, gettin' out!
  • start - Same as Battle Cry
  • respawn - Back into the fray! / A new adventure! / Refueled and reloaded.
  • low HP - Eyes peeled! / Not now... Not here...! / Blast it all! / Shoot! / I can't shake 'em!
  • healed - Accident avoided! / Haha... Close one... / Phew! Close one! / I still got some fight in me! / Expert timing! / I'm OK.
  • lvl up - More fuel, eh? / Higher! I can go higher! / The sky's the limit now! / New heights! / No limits!
  • last one standing - I'm in the thick of it now! / I'll pull through... I hope... / I need help guys!...guys? / No more wingmen, eh?
  • badges
    • Creature Defender - Stay outta danger, kay? / Careful little guy!
    • Death's Door - My journey is NOT over! / I got more fight in me!
    • Drop Dead - Hahaha! Gravity. / [mimics radio crackle] Target has crashed.
    • Exterminator - No more blips on my radar. / Line 'em up!
    • Ghost Hunter - Ha! Ya' call that an escape? / Ya' can't fool me!
    • Guardian Angel - Closing the gap!
    • Guardian Defender - Didn't even come close! / Not today, pal!
    • Highlander - I'm the real deal! / The best pilot won! / Go back to flight school, rookie. / They'll give anyone a jetpack these days...
    • Power Thief - What a steal! / I'm just borrowing it.
    • Protector - Got 'em for ya'. / I'm sure you'll return the favor. / Return the favor sometime, kay?.
    • Revenge - We're even! / Crossed that off my list!
  • Proximity
    • Aisling - You got spirit, kiddo.
    • HK - Here we are again, huh? / Hey buddy.
    • Imani - I kinda miss workin' with ya'. Kinda. / Long time no see, boss.
    • Mozu - You're weird, but a good kind of weird.
    • Uncle Sven - Can ya' make some better jet fuel for me, Sven?
    • Xenobia - I thought I was the one with weird hair.
    • Wu - Let's dance, froggo.
  • Unused Lines
    • "Fight here!" (Fight Here (Old Ping Wheel))
    • "Bolster this position!" (Upgrade Here (Old Ping Wheel))
    • "Need a newer model!" (Upgrade Here (Old Ping Wheel)(?))
    • "Falling back!" (Falling Back (Old Ping Wheel))
    • "Engage here!" (Fight Here (Old Ping Wheel))
    • "Help me summon!" (Help Me Summon (Old Ping Wheel))
    • "Defense!" (Defend Here (Old Ping Wheel))
    • "I'm fueled up for another go!" (Potentially a respawn quote?)
    • "Creature wranglers needed!" (Help Me Summon (Old Ping Wheel))
    • "Don't summon here!" (Do Not Summon (Old Ping Wheel))
    • "Caution!" (Caution (Old Ping Wheel))
    • "Watch your six!" (Caution (Old Ping Wheel))
    • "Defend here!" (Defend Here (Old Ping Wheel))
    • "Need to upgrade!" (Upgrade Here (Old Ping Wheel))
    • "No summoning! That's an order!" (Do Not Summon (Old Ping Wheel))
    • "Watch yourselves!" (Caution (Old Ping Wheel))
    • "Let's go!" (Let's Go (Old Ping Wheel))
    • "Gotta jet!" (Falling Back (Old Ping Wheel))


  • skills
    • LM - Share my spirit. / Life, light, (?). / My life is your life. /
    • RM (beam) - Redemption. / Judgment. / Smite. / Accept your fate. / Be cleansed.
    • Q - Healthy mind - healthy body. / Restoration. / Spirits in harmony. / I'm not wasted(?) yet.
    • E - True devotion. / A worthy sacrifice. / For the grater good.
    • F - Witness enlightenment. / Focus. Protection. Balance. / Enlightenment.
  • ping
    • attack - Destroy them.
    • WD - Withdraw. / We must part. /
    • OMW - On my way. / I will come to aid. /
    • summon -
  • QC
    • help -
    • heal -
    • y -
    • n -
    • tnx - A kind (?). /
    • GJ - The Kai see you. /
    • np -
    • sorry - Sorry. / I am shame. /
    • on it -
    • follow -
    • group -
    • spread -
    • hi -
    • victory -
    • taunt -
    • cry -
    • fun -
    • tnx 2 - I thank you all for this. /
    • more -
    • gg -
  • kills
    • common -
    • assist - A brief (?). / We are one. / I aid the (?). / You were deserving(?).
  • circle
    • summon - Severance of the fair eye. / From light - life. / A humble beginning.
    • summoned - Summoning complete. / Such innocence. / Serve us well, friend. / A noble soul(?).
    • upgrade - The eye shall guide you. / Find strength in the light.
    • upgraded - It is complete.
    • orb - I am a vessel for this power. / So it shall be.
    • collected - A gift for you, guardian. / Our will is done.
  • start - We are blessed. / I'm burn(?) it. / We are richest(?). / We are fury(?). / No mercy for the guilty.
  • respawn - The eye ever(?) watchful. / Justice never rests(?). / If I must(?).
  • low HP -
  • healed - I hope to return a favor. /
  • lvl up - I arise to be challenged(?). / I have ascended. / The eye of fire watches me. /
  • badges
    • guardian defender - Kindness before gratitude. / The eye shelters(?) all. /
    • summoner - By my hand fate blossoms. /
    • power thief - Balance is restored.
  • prox
    • HK (probably) - You are more than (?).
  • ??? - Your path is not storm(?) / If I propf(??) (creature kill of death door) / The Kai are mercyful. (LM?) /


  • skills
    • RM -
    • Q -
    • E -
    • F - Heavy damage incoming. /
  • ping
    • attack - Engage. /
    • WD - Enter retreat mode. /
    • OMW - Approaching location. / On route. /
    • summon -
  • QC
    • help -
    • heal -
    • y -
    • n -
    • tnx -
    • GJ - Positive. / We'll execute them. / You (?) positive.
    • np - no (?)
    • sorry -
    • on it -
    • follow -
    • group -
    • spread -
    • hi -
    • victory -
    • taunt -
    • cry -
    • fun -
    • tnx 2 -
    • more -
    • gg -
  • circle
    • summon -
    • summoned -
    • upgrade - Begin upgrade. /
    • upgraded -
    • orb -
    • collected -
  • start -
  • respawn -
  • low HP -
  • lvl up -
  • healed -
  • badges


  • skills
    • RM -
    • Q -
    • E -
    • F -
  • ping
    • attack -
    • WD -
    • OMW - Be right there.
    • summon -
  • QC
    • help -
    • heal -
    • y -
    • n -
    • tnx -
    • GJ -
    • np - no (?)
    • sorry -
    • on it -
    • follow -
    • group -
    • spread -
    • hi -
    • victory -
    • taunt -
    • cry -
    • fun -
    • tnx 2 -
    • more -
    • gg -
  • circle
    • summon -
    • summoned -
    • upgrade -
    • upgraded -
    • orb -
    • collected -
  • start -
  • respawn -
  • low HP -
  • lvl up -
  • healed -
  • badges


  • skills
    • RM -
    • Q -
    • E -
    • F -
  • ping
    • attack -
    • WD -
    • OMW -
    • summon -
  • QC
    • help -
    • heal -
    • y -
    • n -
    • tnx -
    • GJ -
    • np - no (?)
    • sorry -
    • on it -
    • follow -
    • group -
    • spread -
    • hi -
    • victory -
    • taunt -
    • cry -
    • fun -
    • tnx 2 -
    • more -
    • gg -
  • kill
    • common
    • assist - All according to plan. / I've got your back. /
  • circle
    • summon -
    • summoned - We've done it. /
    • upgrade -
    • upgraded -
    • orb -
    • collected -
  • start - A(?) Tahiri. /
  • respawn -
  • low HP -
  • lvl up -
  • healed -
  • badges


  • Skills
    • RM -
    • Q -
    • E -
    • F - Pound to dust. /
  • circle
    • summon - Summoning. /
    • summoned - Guard us, creature. /
    • upgrade -
    • upgraded -
    • orb -
    • collected -
  • start -
  • respawn -
  • low HP -
  • lvl up - Hahahah /
  • healed -


  • Skills
    • RM -
    • Q -
    • E -
    • F -
  • ping
    • attack -
    • WD - Fall back! /
    • OMW -
    • summon -


  • Skills
    • RM - Fear me. /
    • Q -
    • E -
    • F -
  • ping
    • attack -
    • WD -
    • OMW -
    • summon -
  • QC
    • help -
    • heal -
    • y -
    • n -
    • tnx -
    • GJ -
    • np -
    • sorry -
    • on it -
    • follow -
    • group -
    • spread -
    • hi -
    • victory -
    • taunt -
    • cry -
    • fun -
    • tnx 2 -
    • more -
    • gg -
  • kill
    • common -
    • creature -
    • assist -
  • circle
    • summon - Rise, my minion. / You will serve me. /
    • summoned - My work is complete. / Trivial(?).
    • upgrade -
    • upgraded -
    • orb -
    • collected -
  • start - I'll rip(?) out your souls. /
  • respawn -
  • low HP -
  • lvl up -
  • healed -
  • badges


  • Skills
    • RM -
    • Q - Go!
    • E - A gift from the forest
    • F -
  • ping
    • attack - Attack now!
    • WD -
    • OMW - Yes, I'm coming!
    • summon -
  • QC
    • help -
    • heal -
    • y -
    • n -
    • tnx -
    • GJ -
    • np -
    • sorry -
    • on it -
    • follow -
    • group -
    • spread -
    • hi -
    • victory -
    • taunt -
    • cry -
    • fun -
    • tnx 2 -
    • more -
    • gg -
  • kill
    • common - the price of silent is an arrow / i dont care who shot first, i shot last
    • creature -
    • assist -
  • circle
    • summon -
    • summoned -
    • upgrade -
    • upgraded -
    • orb -
    • collected -
  • start -
  • respawn -
  • low HP -
  • lvl up -
  • healed -
  • badges