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Console is not case sensitive, the case is used for recognizing unseparated words in commands, for better understanding.
Console is not case sensitive, the case is used for recognizing unseparated words in commands, for better understanding.
<!-- The majority of console commands works only in:
*main menu
*"solo" mode – [[Tutorial Map|Tutorial]] and [[Practice Arena|Practice]]
*[[Custom Match|custom matches]] -->

==Working commands==
Console Commands/Working|Working commands
Console Commands/Other|Other
===Maps <!-- and match hosting -->===
Console Commands/Code names|Code names
<!-- To host a public match the host will need to share their IP address and forward the default port (7777) or use the command to change to a different one. Alternatively the host can use the command to start a LAN match, for which they'll need to use a service to create a virtual LAN network (like ''Hamachi'' or ''Evolve'').
Console Commands/Notes|Notes

First host should load a [[map]]. The commands for map loading alone can be used for "single player exploring". In both cases the player will have fixed default [[creature]] loadout (which can be changed in <code>DefaultGame.INI</code>) and can use any available console commands, as an admin, – just like in [[Practice Arena|practice mode]].
[[Category:Console commands]]

Commands for loading maps: -->
The commands bellow are loading [[:Category:Maps|maps]] in "[[Practice Arena|practice mode]]" – player will be alone and will have fixed default creature loadout (which can be changed by editing of <code>DefaultGame.INI</code> file).

Normal playable maps:
*{{comm|Open LV_Canyon}} - [[Ghost Reef]]
*{{comm|Open LV_MistForge}} - [[Sanctum Falls]]
*{{comm|Open LV_Valley}} - [[Siren's Strand]]
*{{comm|Open LV_WizardWoods}} - [[Ember Grove]]
*{{comm|Open LV_Grassland}} - [[Practice Arena]] (no difference from launching in main menu)
*{{comm|Open Tutorial_Launch}} - [[Tutorial Map]] (no difference from launching in main menu)

[[Core]] test builds, in addition to mentioned above maps (on different stages of development), have [[:Category:Unreleased content|unfinished, unreleased]] and [[Test maps|special test or debug]] maps:
*{{comm|Open LV_CanyonNight}} - slightly different, night version of [[Ghost Reef]], which is available in leaked 2017 core build
*{{comm|Open LV_SkyCityV2}} - stable version of [[Sky City]] - one of the planned but unreleased maps, available in 2017 build
*{{comm|Open LV_SkyTuga}} - “[[SkyTuga]]” - unfinished map prototype, similar to Sky City, available in 2017 build
*{{comm|Open LV_MistForge_Mini}} - prototype map for announced, but unreleased [[Brawl]] mode, which uses [[Clash]] part of [[Sanctum Falls]]; available in 2017 build
*{{comm|Open LV_Gamemode_A}} - same as “MistForge Mini”, available in 2017 build
*{{comm|Open LV_magma}} - [[Magma]] - an unfinished scrapped map prototype (the [[Clash]] stage is not working), which is available in leaked 2016 core build
*{{comm|Open LV_skycity}} - first version of [[Sky City]] - another unfinished map prototype, also available in 2016 build
*{{comm|Open LV_Tutorial_P}} - old version of [[Tutorial Map]], available in 2016 build
*{{comm|Open LV_Tutorial_Scenario_V1}} - same old Tutorial Map, but player spawns on the center of the map and can choose difficulty of the enemies; available in 2016 build
*[[Test maps|game test maps]]
**{{comm|Open DPS_Test}} - a flat desert map with old [[Tesserus]] [[airship]]s and [[Motiga (Creature)|motigas]]
**{{comm|Open minion_test}} - a blue map with all available creatures to test, available in 2017 build
**{{comm|Open Character_Lineup}} - an empty map with all character models that are in game, available in 2017 build (trying to load this map in 2016 build will crash game, although it can be found in files)
**{{comm|Open LV_Canyon_AudioMess}} - [[Ghost Reef]] with slightly glitched airship jump pads and [[bots]] fighting each other in the center of the map, forming a noisy spot on it; available in 2017 build

Not actual playable maps:
*{{comm|Open MainMenu}} - will load main menu, although it won't show characters' model unless a glitch is occurred (see [[#Notes|Notes]]), but lets launch [[Practice Arena]] and [[Tutorial Map]] as usual
*{{comm|Open Lobby}} - an airship, which serves as hero select lobby; game will combine backdrops of all playable maps in this case.

<!-- To ''host'' a public match the command should go like this:
*{{comm|Open <nowiki><map name></nowiki>?listen}}
*{{comm|Open <nowiki><map name></nowiki>?listen<nowiki>?port=<number></nowiki>}} - to change the default port number (7777) to desired choice
*{{comm|Open <nowiki><map name></nowiki>?listen?bIsLanMatch}} - lets host a LAN match

To ''join'' a public match player should know host's IP and port:
*{{comm|Open <nowiki><IP>:<port></nowiki>?listen}}
*{{comm|Open <nowiki><IP>:<port>?listen?team=<0/1></nowiki>}} - to specify desired team - “0” for [[Aurion]], “1” for [[Devaedra]]

Players that will connect to the host will have same <code>.INI</code> settings (such as creature loadout, gravity, damage numbers, etc) as the host and cannot use console commands (unless admin/host will let them with special commands, see [[#Admin|Admin commands]]). -->
*{{comm|Pause}} - pauses (freezes) game
*{{comm|Exit}} - exits game completely
*{{comm|TogglePing}} - shows ping <!-- ''(works in PvP)'' -->
*{{comm|Stat FPS}} - shows FPS <!-- ''(works in PvP)'' -->
*{{comm|CheckTeams}} - list entities with the team they are in
*{{comm|Fly}} - lets move any way in the space (lowers movement speed, no sprint, no "noclip")
*{{comm|Ghost}} - also known as "noclip" - disables object collision/lets going trough anything
*{{comm|Walk}} - turns off {{comm|Fly}} and/or {{comm|Ghost}}
*{{comm|Teleport}} - teleports to aimed location
*{{comm|GotoTitan <true/false>}} - teleports to friendly (true) or the enemy (false) guardian
===Conditions and properties===
*{{comm|God}} - god mode (total damage immunity)
*{{comm|Invisible <true/false>}} - makes player invisible/visible for other entities
*{{comm|Suicide}} - kills hero <!-- ''(works in PvP)'' -->
*{{comm|HurtMe <nowiki><number></nowiki>}} - damages hero up to the assigned number of [[health]].
*{{comm|SetJumpZ <nowiki><number></nowiki>}} - sets hero's jump height (default around 500+, -1 to disable jumping)
*{{comm|ChangeSize <nowiki><number></nowiki>}} - sets size of hero model (default 1, greatly affects minions'/bots' aggro if too big, 0 will kill hero)
*{{comm|SetSpeed <nowiki><number></nowiki>}} - sets hero's movement speed (default 1)
*{{comm|ToggleCombat}} - forces hero's combat mode (when he consumes [[stamina]] and doesn't regenerate health)
===Skills and actions===
*{{comm|DisableCooldowns}} - 0 seconds cooldowns for all skills, except Focus (meaning they will be available to perform instantly/endlessly)
**{{comm|EnableCooldowns}} - brings cooldowns back
*{{comm|AddFocus <nowiki><number></nowiki>}} - adds Focus; 250 for 1 charge, 500 for 2, and so on (UI doesn't show more than 3 though)
*{{comm|LevelUp <nowiki><number></nowiki>}} - increases hero level to assigned number, for example “9” will make hero reaching level 10 instantly (has a delay, without number gives 1 level)
*{{comm|DisableStamina}} - unlimited [[stamina]]
**{{comm|EnableStamina}} - brings stamina consuming back
*{{comm|ARPSSkill<1/2/3/4>}} - hero will perform a skill endlessly (with cooldowns for non-basic) until player presses corresponding button
*{{comm|ARPSFocus}} - same but with Focus (might not work because of confirmation and charges)
*{{comm|ARPSCollectOrb}} - hero will collect [[Power|orb]] (i.e. no need to hold button for it), but they should be on/near power circle
*{{comm|ARPSSummonMinion<1/2/3>}} - same but with [[creatures]]
There are several commands that let player spawn a [[bot]]. However only 5 bot heroes will have somewhat proper AI, since they appear in bot matches in final version of the game. They are [[Mozu]], [[Margrave]], [[Charnok]], [[Xenobia]] and [[Tripp]]; the rest bots can only follow enemy heroes, jump around, dodge some of their attacks and attack enemy [[guardian]] during [[rampage]].

Another things to keep in mind while trying to spawn bots:
*these commands '''work only in [[Core]] builds''' and don't work in retail version of the game, which requires other ways to spawn bots (see [[#Notes|Notes]])
*to be able to spawn a certain hero, player should "load" its model in hero select screen first: just choose it, wait for hero to show up, but not confirm – choose another one; without doing so game will be able to spawn only hero that is controlled by player (the amount of different heroes that can be spawn like this seems to differ every time)

Hero bots spawn commands:
*{{comm|SpawnHero}} - simplest command, it has a lot of parameters, which can be seen in console's suggestion:
**{{comm|HeroName}} - obviously most important parameter - a code name of the hero in game files (see [[#Code names|Code names]])
**{{comm|InTeamNum}} - number of the team - 0 for [[Leiran]], 1 for [[Grenn]]
**{{comm|bDebugMode}} -
**{{comm|bUseDebugCommand}} -
**{{comm|bInfiniteHealth}} - gives bot infinite [[health]]
**{{comm|bEnableTeamManager}} -
**{{comm|bSpawnOnAirship}} -
**{{comm|bViewBot}} -
**{{comm|SpecificSpawnLocation}} -
**Example - spawn enemy [[Mozu]] with infinite health on the [[airship]]: <br>{{comm|SpawnHero Zap 1 bInfiniteHealth bSpawnOnAirship}}

*{{comm|SpawnHeroAtAimLocation}} - same as previous command, except the bot will spawn on a place where player is aiming (if game cannot spawn bot, it will show a message in console window) and it has less parameters: {{comm|HeroName}}, {{comm|InTeamNum}} and {{comm|bEnableTeamManager}}

Other hero and bot related commands
*{{comm|ChangeTeam}} - toggles player's team; the hero will be killed by game and then will respawn in opposite team


*{{comm|ToggleMinionsTeam}} - toggles team of creatures to be summoned after that (makes them hostile for first time, summoning on enemy points is still impossible, using this command while there are summoned creatures kills them)
*{{comm|ToggleMinionInstantSummon}} - creatures spawn instantly (i.e. without black silhouettes and timer)
*{{comm|ToggleTitanAI <0/1>}} - toggles the AI of friendly (0) or the enemy (1) guardian (disables any interactions w/ characters, including pinned down animation during [[rampage]])
===UI and camera===
*{{comm|drawgfx <0/1>}} - hides/shows HUD
*{{comm|ToggleHUD}} - standard Unreal Engine 3 command to hide/show HUD, but it is disabled in live version of the game
*{{comm|ToggleDebugCamera}} - unbinds camera from hero (doesn't hide HUD, lets sprint)
**{{comm|<true/false>}} - with/without camera debug info
*{{comm|ToggleSpecCamera}} - hides HUD and freezes camera (doesn't let move)
*{{comm|CycleUserCameraSelection}} - swaps camera position for hero (left/right shoulder)
*{{comm|ViewBot}} / {{comm|ViewNextTitan}} / {{comm|ViewNextPet}} / {{comm|ViewNextMinion}} / {{comm|ViewSelf}} / {{comm|ViewPlayer}} - shifts camera to other entity
*{{comm|FreezeFrame <nowiki><number></nowiki>}} - freezes the screen after X seconds, to cancel tap jump buttom
*{{comm|AdminSay <nowiki><anything></nowiki>}} - message from admin (on the left)
*{{comm|AdminPlayerList}} - shows list of players (and guardians) and their ping
*{{comm|AdminRestartMap}} - restarts map

*{{comm|SoakStep}} - displays debug info of used hero (puts game in "pause")
*{{comm|ShowCollisonBox}} - shows hitboxes
**{{comm|Show Collison}} - in [[core]] builds

=="Bad" commands==
Better to not mess with these commands.
*{{comm|KillViewedActor}} - it's a standard UE3 command, that will kill or destroy an entity that is controlled by player - after doing so the game's screen will turn white or black and it won't respond on anything (even on Ctrl+F4), making player shut it down trough “Close” button (if windowed) or Task Manager
*{{comm|ForceTitanVulnerable <0/1>}} - forces [[wound]] mode for friendly (0) or the enemy (1) guardian (can take damage to the heart, other guardian doesn't appear) - apparently it can break guardians' AI

==Disabled commands==
These commands were disabled by developers or don't do anything; the majority of them are standard UE3 console commands.
*{{comm|AllAmmo}} - sets ammo counts to maximum on all weapons - does nothing, even with heroes that have ammo, such as [[Beckett]]
*{{comm|AllWeapons}} - gives the player all the weapons available in the game - does nothing, as it doesn't makes sense in this game
*{{comm|Amphibious}} - causes the player to be able to stay underwater virtually indefinitely - does nothing, since there is only [[Siren's Strand|one map]] with watery zones, which greatly damage characters or kill them instantly; this can be avoided with {{comm|God}} command

*ToggleVoiceCommandUIDisplayed - toggles a quick-chat menu - doesn't work
*TestAdminMessage <anything> - admin pop-up - doesn't work

*Admin ''CommandLine[FString]''

*QMSInput ''InputIndexReceived[INT]''
*WriteToLog ''Param[FString]''

==To check==
*InvertTurn : Inverts X-axis rotation. InvertMouse does the same for the Y-axis, but there's an option for this under Controls.
*ImageGrain <number> : Adds a grain effect (default -1). Decimals allowed.
*SetBind <key> <command> : Binds the key to the given console command. Not sure about the list of keys, but N, DELETE and MULTIPLY worked.
*Slomo <number> : Sets the game speed (default 1).
*SuspendAI : Disables AI of bots. Does not affect Guardians and Summoned creatures.
*TakeHit <direction> : Makes your character play the hit animation. Unsure on value for direction (string); any value seems to do the same.
*FreezeAt Here - Show <key> and Stat <key> have a bunch of values. Show toggles debug information in the world and Stat toggles debug information on the HUD.
*SpawnHero (heroname) (teamnumber) (spawnonairship) (viewbot) (tutorialbot) (debugmode) (brainless)
*StartSlither - Start Final Clash

but if used on start screen:
**right after the launch - menu will be empty (no words, buttons, icons, models, etc)
**after disconnect - everything will work (also [[unreleased skins]] can be seen) -->

==Code names==
Everything that appears in game has a '''code name''' in its files, which is required to know while using some of the commands.

Released [[heroes]]:
{|style="width: 90%; margin: 10px auto; border: none;"
|[[Aisling]] – {{comm|Adept}}
|[[Beckett]] – {{comm|Assault}}
|[[Charnok]] – {{comm|Bombard}}
|[[Ezren Ghal]] – {{comm|Juice}}
|[[Griselma]] – {{comm|Planter}}
|[[HK-206]] – {{comm|Machine}}
|[[Imani]] – {{comm|Quarrel}}
|[[Lord Knossos]] – {{comm|Minotaur}}
|[[Mozu]] – {{comm|Zap}}
|[[Oru]] – {{comm|Glyph}}
|[[Pakko]] – {{comm|Frosty}}
|[[Ramsay]] – {{comm|Blade}}
|[[Rutger]] – {{comm|Stoneskin}}
|[[T-MAT]] - {{comm|Siege}}
|[[The Margrave]] – {{comm|Tank}}
|[[Tripp]] – {{comm|Rogue}}
|[[Tyto the Swift]] – {{comm|Swift}}
|[[Uncle Sven]] – {{comm|Alchemist}}
|[[Vadasi]] – {{comm|Angel}}
|[[Voden]] – {{comm|Warden}}
|[[Wu]] – {{comm|Judo}}
|[[Xenobia]] – {{comm|Despair}}
|[[Zandora]] – {{comm|Aura}}

[[:Category:Unreleased heroes|Unreleased heroes]], available to play in [[Core]] builds:
{|style="width: 90%; margin: 10px auto; border: none;"
|[[Bolga]] – {{comm|Juggernaut}}
|“[[Element]]” – {{comm|Element}}
|[[Javash]] – {{comm|Orbit}}
|[[Jherico]] – {{comm|Shadow}}
|“[[Portal]]” – {{comm|Portal}}
|[[Qwinn]] – {{comm|Potshot}}
|“[[Rang]]” – {{comm|Rang}}
|[[Roland]] – {{comm|Gunner}}
|“[[Scavenger]]” – {{comm|Scavenger}}


Code names of [[creatures]]:

Revision as of 13:12, 30 November 2018

Console in games is a debugging tool, which usually changes various settings and shows logs and information via special console commands while the game is running. Console is usually used by developers, but it also can be used by players for "exploring" the game or cheating.

In PC version of Gigantic console is available to use by default (while some of Unreal Engine 3 games require edit of .INI files to activate console in game).

There are 2 ways to toggle console in the game:

  • tilde/grave (~/`) key (it should be right under Esc key) – will open a black window that shows various information and statistics of the game in real time, with console at its bottom
  • F6 – the console will appear at the bottom of the screen (if with previous method it shows only few commands as suggestions, this one shows all available commands as the player types in)

Console is not case sensitive, the case is used for recognizing unseparated words in commands, for better understanding.

<tabview> Console Commands/Working|Working commands Console Commands/Other|Other Console Commands/Code names|Code names Console Commands/Notes|Notes </tabview>